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The ultimate gift movie includes props

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

The ultimate gift is a movie with heart

The ultimate gift is a movie with heart

The bestowal of the ultimate gift movie upon a friend or a lover involves some forethought and decision making?before the gift-wrapped box is presented at just the right moment. What does the recipient like? What are some dislikes?

Many a Hollywood movie has taken on a life of its own and become a theatrical phenomenon. Fans get involved in watching it and they act out the parts?over and over again. If your movie lover is one such avid fan, any impending decision related to the ultimate gift movie can be an easy one. Include some faux props or movie posters for added fun.

Aliens take human hearts

For example, thousands watched E. T. The Extra-terrestrial and suddenly, ?Call home,? the alien?s deepest desire, became a slogan in pop culture. A science fiction lover certainly might welcome as the ultimate gift movie a copy of the heart-rending movie. Chances are these science buffs own other outer-space related accoutrements such as toy flying saucers or extraterrestrial weaponry such as an alien spear. They may even wear jewelry such as an Apollo pendant or a ring with a star-shaped setting.

The eyes have it

Sports lovers, on the other hand, may think differently than science fiction fanatics when it comes to the ultimate gift movie. It was sports-minded families, couples and singles that watched Sylvester Stallone portray a struggling boxer?Rocky Balboa?and suddenly an entire generation knew the words to the movie?s theme song, ?Eye of the Tiger.?

Every guy and gal in the gym jumped rope a little faster or punched the speed bag a little harder when the motivational song came over the loud speaker. Any of those tough-talking folk would be quick to name as their ultimate gift movie a copy of the first Rocky movie?or any of the sequels that followed the blockbuster. Many also adopted a tougher style of dress, donning fingerless leather gloves or skull-decorated biker watches

Do a little dance

In a tribute to true longevity, audiences annually demonstrate another scenario showing the impact of the ultimate gift movie. Collectors own the movie. Acting students study it. It is titled, ?The Rocky Horror Picture Show? and all across the country fans dress in costume, traipse to local theaters and re-enact the movie. It usually is re-released around Halloween.

The fans have studied well their ultimate gift movie. They pack the theaters and stand up in the rows when the show comes to town. They break into a dance called the Time Warp dance. The Rocky Horror Show opened in London as a stage play in 1973.

Two years later the movie version?a most irreverent parody of horror films and sci-fi?was released and instantly caught fire among movie goers. More than three decades of audience participation and dancing to ?Let?s Do The Time Warp, Again? proves its cult status. Fans would instantly choose as their ultimate gift movie a copy of that film. And if the gift-wrapped box included a science-fiction fantasy object such as a glowing dragon statue, so much the better.

Modern heroes make claims

Vintage productions of yesteryear may have legions of stalwart fans who insist the movies will never grow old. Nevertheless, someday the people jumping around to the Time Warp dance will be doing their jumping in the common room of the retirement village down the road. Nothing lasts forever. And for those who prefer to live in the moment, there are plenty of modern-day heroes.

James Bond, the X-men and Spiderman make fine candidates to consider when thinking about the ultimate movie gift. Batman and Superman still hold court in movie fans? hearts. It?s worth betting a movie ticket or two that there are some people somewhere in the world who still swoon over Forrest Gump. Gump?s philosophy of making the most of each day and making the best of any situation is one that retains a place in people?s hearts.

The ultimate gift movie is one that will be watched again and again. Sooner or later, it may work its way down the stack into the land of almost-forgotten treasures. And perhaps once a year, during spring cleaning, it may be rediscovered?and replayed.

It will be taken from its case, gingerly placed into the projection machine?whether DVD or VCR or some newfangled gizmo?and watched for the umpteenth time. Suddenly, it?s new again. It touches the heart and the soul. It brings back memories. And it reminds the movie?s owner, one more time, that someone cared enough to give the very best?the ultimate gift movie. Popcorn, anyone?


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