5 commonly asked questions about the medical alert system, also known as a Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), in an emergency.
Flowering shrubs are easier to maintain than bulbs and other flowers. Many of these ornamental garden plants attract birds, bees, butterflies and other buzzing creatures. If you want to start gardening, you can plant some of these flowering bushes now and you’ll have a bloom boom come next spring. Below is the list of the top 10 common flowering bushes you might think of planting in your garden.
Today’s friendly advice is about:Tradeshow promotional itemsChoosing the right tradeshow promotional items can make the difference between an exciting marketing event and a more-of-the-same yawn. Check out a variety of new offerings from on-line and print catalogs specializing in tradeshow promotional items – this year’s catalogs offer everything from pedometers to flash memory, personalized with your company’s name and logo. Make your give-away stand out from the crowd by selecting something today’s tech savvy customers will use every day. Or tie your promo choices into the booth theme to make your offerings more memorable – a tool kits for a booth that offers new ways to fix old problems, or custom bottled maple syrup for a booth promising sweeter results. Promotional giveaway The convention is fast approaching, and you need a new |