Request a Free The Source ​2024 Mail Order Catalog
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Request a Free The Source ​2024 Mail Order Catalog

Nearly 50 years ago, The Source opened its first retail store in Canada. Since then, we’ve grown into the largest, and proudest, Canadian tech retailer. And even though we’ve changed our name, we haven’t changed our spirit.

Our Tech Experts are here to personalize your experience and to simplify the complex world of ever-evolving technology. Whether you’re looking for tech essentials or the latest top brands, we’ll help you find the best solution for you.

As a proud Canadian company, we value diversity and inclusivity. We’ve nurtured an environment that supports the success of all associates, beyond their everyday excellence.

The Source 2025 Coupon Codes


Since 1996, has been considered the web's catalog shopping authority. Our trends experts have carefully reviewed thousands of catalogs and online stores and have featured only the most respected, distinctive, and trusted ones. From popular favorites to new discoveries, you'll shop and save with exclusive coupon codes!

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