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Scrapbook your summer vacation fun

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Where do summer vacation memories go? Into the scrapbook!

Where do summer vacation memories go? Into the scrapbook!

Creating a summer vacation scrapbook will help you capture fun memories in a tangible record that your family will cherish. Use your photos and gatherings to scrapbook the places you saw and the little moments you don?t want to forget- while you still remember the food from your beach breakfast picnic or who spotted the most rainbows at the waterfall. The sooner you start to scrapbook your summer vacation fun, the better. 

Using a travel journal

If you intended to make a summer vacation scrapbook prior to leaving, you may have kept a travel journal ? a.k.a. a scrapbooker?s best friend. Travel journals can be useful in sorting out chronology, giving context to random photos and memorabilia and providing emotional subtext or even memorable exchanges of dialogue with a stranger.

You also may have noticed your son or daughter following your lead and taking notes during adventures. Consider inviting your children to share their travel journals or to create a page of their favorite memories in the vacation scrapbook themselves. Summer vacation scrapbooks reflect the family dynamic when everyone adds their personal touch.

With or without a travel journal

Sometimes the urge to scrapbook your summer vacation fun doesn?t strike until after an event. If you don?t have notes or a travel journal to help notate dates and locations, label all of your photos and memorabilia as soon as you return from vacation. It?s helpful to label a re-sealable bag and ?file? scrapbook-bound objects accordingly. Take a moment to organize photos with corresponding objects and arrange these chronologically.

Part of the fun of making a summer vacation scrapbook is in reliving surprises or silly moments and making tributes to the sights your family savored. If you?re not sure about including a ticket stub or part of a menu from your favorite food stop, use the smile detector: if an object makes you smile, include it. If a doodle or quote conjures up a good feeling from your trip, why leave it out?


Here are a few tips for preserving your summer vacation fun in a scrapbook:

* If you or your kids pocketed leaves, flowers or containers of sand from your journey, use small amounts to make your nature photos pop.

* Before you reach for the scissors, visualize a few of the pages you plan to create. This will help you edit photos and objects if you have more scrapbook materials than pages.

* If you don?t have a travel journal, take a moment to jot down thoughts, memories, events, weather ? every feeling that comes to mind when you close your eyes and remember your vacation. These notes provide inspiration and can help get you into a relaxing state of mind.

* When on vacation, take a variety of shots. Go for wide angle shots of vistas and settings, as well as close-ups of flora and fauna. Include your family in silly poses and candid photos, but try to capture the background as well for context. Photograph the places you stay and people you meet.

* Don?t forget the food. Include photos, scraps of menus or notes on the food you ate. This may seem mundane, but your family probably ate three times a day, which means a good portion of your vacation time was spent eating. These details will literally add flavor and cultural texture to your vacation scrapbook.

* Include photos of – or ask a talented family member to recreate a memorable sunrise or sunset.

* Never leave your camera at home!

Give your summer vacation scrapbook a fun cover that notes the year of your trip and destinations you visited and let the whole family know where it?s kept. These lasting memories are something your children will cherish, and maybe one day share with their children.


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