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Free Catalog Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff 2024 Mail Order Catalog Request

Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Frequently Asked Questions

There are no rules. IT’S YOUR ART, HAVE FUN!

  • It all started in ’87… In a drug store of all places. We’ve changed a lot over the years. New buildings. More products. We’ve had to work hard. We HAVE to try harder because we are still a small, family-owned art supply company. We go the extra mile to offer the BEST value in the United States. And, how do we do that? We carry only what the serious artist wants and needs. No gimmicks. No hard decisions. We buy direct whenever possible to get you the best deal possible. We are able to control expenses – because every penny we save is a penny you save. We are a “family of people” here at Cheap Joe’s and we try to look after our people – that includes you! We create a worry-free environment with our 365-day return policy. It’s pretty simple – You come first.
  • Now you know a little about what makes us Cheap Joe’s, and I would like to tell you a little of what I know about you folks…
  • Every time you blink your eyes you see a new world. You get excited and enthused, not just about art, but about life. You are the heartbeat of society. You are not afraid to fail, or skin your knees. You are willing to take risks and to fall on your face. You know the old saying, ‘If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right the first time.’ Well… you and I both know if it’s worth doing, it’s worth failing many, many times to make sure you get it right. You are the arts. You are artists and we love you. One last thought… we must treat everyone with care and kindness. Never forget; we are all one.
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