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Flowering shrubs are easier to maintain than bulbs and other flowers. Many of these ornamental garden plants attract birds, bees, butterflies and other buzzing creatures. If you want to start gardening, you can plant some of these flowering bushes now and you’ll have a bloom boom come next spring. Below is the list of the top 10 common flowering bushes you might think of planting in your garden.
Today's friendly advice is about; Best BeddingOf all the recent home trends, bedding has probably changed the most in the past few years. Gone are the stacks of tasteless patterns reminiscent of roadside motels. The shelves these days are filled with best bedding in brilliant graphics, authentic-looking retro patterns, and handmade quilts in all the colors of the rainbow. The best bedding is changing with the season too, as people replace quilts and shams to match the weather outdoors. By just changing to some of the best bedding, you can create a whole new look in seconds! Discount Bedding OnlineWhen your little one makes the change from crib to bed, it's probably time to change the look of the room, too. Consider replacing the nursery characters on the wall with a mural, or updating the colors from pastels to something bolder and brighter. Browse the decorating catalogs and magazines for what's hot in discount bedding online then go from there. Some new curtains, a colorful new comforter and a cozy area rug can transform the room from a nursery to a room your growing child will love! Home Bedding StoresDo you have kids heading away to college in the fall? Start planning the perfect dorm room now! Home bedding stores are a great place to begin choosing best bedding. Choose your comforter and sheets from retailers that offer discount bedding online. And don't forget to add some throw pillows, a cozy lap blanket for studying late at night, cute desk lamps, and a couple of small area rugs to cover those chilly dorm room floors. |
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