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Best of How to Live Green at Home: Amazing Ways to Save the Earth

by Editorial Staff

“Going green” can seem like a monumental undertaking and for some, the thought can stop them from even trying. Going green is not difficult. In fact, your children can even join in on the fun! This article will feature how to live green at home.


Bathroom Safety Equipment Installation: Useful Senior Care Tips

by Catalogs Editorial Staff

A senior safe bathroom can be beautiful too

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Art Catalogs

The phrase decorative art encompasses so many different things that you can use to enhance your home's decor: Exquisite sculptures in a variety of different materials, richly and intricately framed mirrors and, of course, paintings can all be found in our art catalogs. Just scroll through our featured merchants to discover a breathtaking array of authentic reproductions of famous bronze pieces and beautifully crafted figurines that will add a distinctive flair to any room. The selection of art catalogs for your home (or office) is, without question, as varied as are our customers. Regardless of your decorating preference—modern contemporary, soft traditional or colonial (and everything in between), you'll find something that you like in one of our art catalogs.

Art Decorations

Elegant wallpaper murals and borders can give your room the look of hand painted trim—so different than just plain painted walls! Or, how about some striking art decorations to transform a dinning room into a functional and delightful place to eat—with everything you need right there? Whatever you're looking for in art decorations, has everything you need right here. Regardless of what style your home is—contemporary, traditional or colonial—you can add warmth and style to any room with art decorations such as paintings, mirrors and authentic reproductions are just a few of the decorative home art decorations you can use to freshen a room and create a new look.

Art pedestals

So, you finally purchased that piece of sculpture or that antique vase you've had your eye on from one of our art catalogs; but, now you don't know what to do with it! It doesn't go on the coffee table or the dinning room table or in your bookcase. What you need to do is look at all the art pedestals that are available from our art catalogs. From round to square to triangular—there's one that will be perfect for your art decorations. What's so nice about art pedestals is that they are available in so many different sizes and shapes, as well as in construction material; you can have the warmth of wood, the austerity of marble or the friendliness of bamboo. And, it doesn't matter what style you prefer—all periods are covered!

Checkout all our Home Decor Catalogs: Furniture, Interior Design, Accents, Art, Beddings and Lighting. For more home improvement ideas.

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