Founded in Key West, Florida in 1915, Thompson Cigar is the oldest mail order cigar company in the country. From tried and true artisan known to exclusive proprietary brands, Thompson Cigar has the greatest selection of fine cigars.^
Thompson also carries the cigar accessories you need, such as cigar travel cases and home humidors to cutters and lighters. Consider gifts such as: personalized cigars and humidors, cigar apparel, or cigar lighters for the cigar lovers in your life.
Thompson is devoted to delivering a wide selection of products covering all price ranges and tastes. Their exclusive and proprietary, private-label brands reflect a keen sense and desire to provide cigar smokers the finest quality and satisfaction at a fraction of what comparable national brands cost.
From a sampler of your choice to a box of Fuente, C.A.O. or Cohiba cigars and/or a travel case, cap or humidor, Thompson Cigar will be happy to assist you with all your purchases. Whether you’re new to the hobby of cigars, or a long time aficionado, the Thompson “Good Life” catalog has something for you.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! Thompson makes it easy for you to return or exchange any item.
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