Which wrist to wear a watch -
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Which wrist to wear a watch

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Which wrist to wear a watch? That depends ...

Which wrist to wear a watch? That depends …

You just received the most elegant wristwatch. Which wrist to wear a watch? Traditionally, right-handed people wear watches on their left and southpaws do the opposite.

Timepieces are often worn on the left because it is easier to wind it with the dominant or right hand; however, this is moot if the timepiece is automatic and equally beside the point if the person’s dominant hand is the left.

Some timepiece makers make the apparatus for the left as well as create timepieces so movement is reversed. In this case, the crown of the piece sits at the nine o’clock position instead of at the three o’clock spot, which is customary.

The majority of people are right-handed. Consequently, it may be watch makers made timepieces to be worn easily and comfortably by right-handed working men as well as functional for right-handed soldiers, who could hold a weapon and simultaneously see what time it was.

The earliest timepieces consisted of the winding knob facing outwards so the person could easily wind with their right hand, while the piece was worn on the left.


How to wear it?

Some wear the timepiece below the wrist bone while most prefer it placed above the bone; others prefer the timepiece with the face on the underside of the arm. When they want to check the time, the person rolls his arm outward so the underside of the arm and the clock face are facing upward.

Some women prefer their timepiece hang loosely, like a bracelet; but men’s timepieces should fit perfectly and not dangle.

Where to start?

For men, start with a simple and traditional leather-strapped timepiece. It should be natural earth tone rather than dyed black. The most commonly used metals are silver and gold. Gold equals warm and looks well when worn with earth tones, hunter green and royal blue. Silver equals cool and reads as gray and neutral, as does chrome and polished stainless steel. Silver is not as attention-grabbing as gold but, on the other hand, it does not clash with any colors. Silver worn with dark clothing looks good.

Those in the know consider a plain leather strap and silver timepiece with Roman or Arabic numerals classic and adaptable. The simpler, the dressier it looks. Plastic and cloth bank timepieces are worn when in casual clothing and never when dressed formally.

If you only have one timepiece, get one you can display with all ensembles. It should be neutral so it complements and doesn’t compete with outfits. Watches with interchangeable parts allow a woman or man to change out the band so it looks different. You can buy leather bands in various colors, which makes it easy to switch up the look of the timepiece.

One rule of thumb to consider: Match the timepiece to the rings on that hand. If your wedding and engagement rings are gold, the timepiece worn on the left wrist should also be gold.

When donning fine jewelry, preferably wear either all gold or all silver. However, mixed metal timepieces and jewelry can be worn with any metal.

You can certainly have more than one timepiece if the budget allows. Your everyday timepiece is less expensive and worn regularly whereas you haul out the expensive dress timepiece for those important formal occasions.

There are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to which arm to put it on. People figure out which timepiece is the most comfortable and functional for them and which looks the best, feels the best and the correct side for displaying it.


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