What should be in a diaper bag -
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What should be in a diaper bag

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Here is a list of what should be in a diaper bag for convenience with baby

Here is a list of what should be in a diaper bag for convenience with baby

When  you are on the go with your infant in tow there are a couple of things you should have with you at all times. Of course, carrying your baby in one hand and anything else in the other can be quite the adventure.

That is the main reason the diaper bag was invented in the first place. This item is basically just a multi-pocketed bag that slings easily over your shoulder and totes around everything you think you will need for a day out with your little bundle of joy.

Of course, the question becomes, what should be in a diaper bag? There are the obvious answers, but what else should you have with you at all times? What sort of things are you going to go without and wish you had later? Have no fear, we’re here to help you out with the essentials.


Kind of a no-brainer right? Whenever you are on the go, its a pretty safe bet that your diaper bag should include a healthy supply of diapers in case your little loved one has an accident away from home.  Do make sure to check the size every couple of weeks. Babies grow fast, and you don’t want a two-sizes-too-small diaper when you need one most!

This is one of the first things you should have in your diaper bag after the actual diapers. Whether you are talking about a blanket to keep the baby warm if the weather turns, or simply a security blanket that your baby can hold or snuggle up to if their mood changes, you should make sure you have a couple of these folded carefully into the bag.

This is also the first thing you really need to find a way to plan for making room. Some diaper bags are able to hold more items than others. You will need to figure out a way to get more than diapers in the bag and you might need to fold and jam and tuck things into the bag in order to make sure everything gets in there.

Bottles (if you’re not nursing) or Sippy Cups

Most people assume that only people who have newborns are walking around with diaper bags, but most kids aren’t actually toilet trained until sometime in their 2nd or 3rd years of life. Obviously two year olds don’t need baby bottles, but you might still want to be careful about the mess your child is making when they are having a drink.

Change of Clothes

Having a diaper bag with you is all about being prepared for the worst to happen. Over the course of your day out, you might realize that your little bundle of joy has dirtied themselves to the point where they need to get a new outfit put on and you don’t have the time and desire to go all the way home to get that outfit. Make sure there are a couple of simple, easy to fold baby outfits tucked in the bag. And just like the diapers, check the sizes frequently!

Consider tossing in a clean t-shirt for mom or dad, too. Spit up, leaks and splattered baby food can leave mom feeling less than beautiful, and dad down in the dumps. A clean shirt can make all the difference in the world! 

Ziploc Bags

Obviously, once you change the diaper or the clothes, you don’t just want to put those dirty items back in the bag unprotected. If you don’t have something you can store the dirty stuff in, you’re going to have to scrub out the bag after each use. A couple of zipper bags can come in real handy for this purpose.

Baby Wipes

Whether a mess in the child’s pants or simply a mess on their hands or face after eating, you are going to want to have a healthy supply of baby wipes in case you want to clean the child up and you aren’t somewhere with a great sink like a park. Once you’re done with the wipes, you can just throw them in the zipper bags as well.


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