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What does aloe do for your skin

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Here is an overview of what aloe does for your skin when used in beauty products

Here is an overview of what aloe does for your skin when used in beauty products

If you’ve ever spent a little too much time out in the sun, you’ve likely heard someone suggest you need to put some Aloe Vera on your burns. But why is this particular product what people turn to when something like that pops up? Are there other uses for the cream beyond treating burns? More specifically, what does aloe do for your skin?

If these questions have occurred to you, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll give you a few reasons you should use the product and why it is such a good fit in these types of situations.

Why It’s Good For Sunburns

The Aloe Vera plant has apparently been treating skin injuries and burns for centuries. Coming from the Middle East, the ancient Egyptians were the first to tout this plant as something that can help heal. That civilization called the leaves that secrete a type of gel the “immortality plant.” When it comes to applying Aloe Vera gel to a burn, the gel works on the skin on the epithelial level. The gel works as a kind of moisturizer that also serves as an extra layer of protection on the skin, allowing it to be shielded from the elements as it heals. 

The plant also has some anti-oxidant type properties that also allow the skin to heal faster than if you just slapped a bandage or wrap over the burn. The bonus of these creams and gels is they also produce a kind of cooling relief to the area, which can relieve pain as well as bring moisture.

Clean Your Skin With Peace of Mind

If you use a kind of face wash that includes aloe as a vital part of its chemistry you will basically be washing away the dirt and grime while also applying a product that will jump start the healing while also moisturizing. You’ll be able to feel fresh and clean without also feeling as though your face is peeling off.

One of the biggest answers to what aloe does for your skin is that it allows you to put a little more pressure on your skin without having to worry as much about the after effects. Your pores can catch a ridiculous amount of dirt and grime throughout the day and the best way to get rid of that gunk over the long term is to get yourself a face scrub. The downside of this kind of cleansing is you are also scrubbing off the top layer or layers of skin, and that can leave your face feeling rough and dry.


It Treats Acne

Two chemicals in Aloe, Auxin, and Gibberellins reduce inflammation while healing the skin. This allows for a person’s face to fight off the inflammation that usually comes along with prolonged acne outbreaks while still moisturizing. That moisturizing also allows the skin to bounce back quicker when acne or other skin ailments such as eczema strikes. 

It Helps Hide Stretch Marks

This particular use for Aloe might be the most surprising to some because they don’t understand how stretch marks form in the first place. When someone gains weight quicker than the body is prepared for (usually through pregnancy) the skin develops small tears that show up as stretch marks.

If you apply Aloe to these areas shortly after the marks first appear, the gel can work to heal the skin quicker and will make the stretch marks much less prevalent. While the gel may not get rid of these altogether, (because if you’ve got stretch marks you really have put your skin through the ringer) they can at the very least look quite a bit lighter and less noticeable.


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