What are the smoothest bed sheets? -
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What are the smoothest bed sheets?

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

It's all about material in choosing the smoothest bed sheets

It’s all about material in choosing the smoothest bed sheets

It?s reported that the average person will spend one-third of their lives in bed so it makes sense to have smoothest bed sheets that feel great against your skin. But how do you know which bed sheet is the smoothest? Or if smooth to you is smooth to someone else?

Here, we?ve detailed what makes sheets smooth so you can find the perfect bedding and sleep well.

Fabric and Weave

The fabric used for your sheets has a significant impact on the feel of your bed. Likewise, the way the fabric was weaved can create a unique feel that makes your bed a wonderful place to visit every night. For instance, do you like your sheets crisp and snappy or soft and supple? This one is a matter of personal preference, so choose the weave that suits you best. 

Most of the smoothest sheets on the market today are made of cotton, linen, sateen, satin, or silk and they all have wonderfully unique traits. Cotton percale has a comfortable feel and keeps its snap, wash after wash. Linen keeps you cool at night, even in warm climates ? but requires ironing for a well-kept look. Sateen is soft and gets cozier after laundering for a comfort that improves with age. Satin has slick feel against the skin and provides a lustrous shine for your bed. Silk woven sheets offer a luxurious feel all their own, but are usually the most expensive choice.

Jersey and flannel sheets are not necessarily the smoothest you will find. But they are popular because they are warm, soft and will cuddle you all night long. Jersey is a knit, similar to a t-shirt, which means they are made with a flat knit and move a lot on a bed, regardless of how tight you tuck them. The comfort level is wonderful and can make your entire bed feel like your favorite t-shirt. Flannel is awesome if you live where the winters are long and cold, because it keeps you warm and toasty all night. The fabric is inherently nubby and doesn?t make for the smoothest sheets. But for warm comfort on a frigid night, flannel might be a great choice. 



Great fit is essential when you?re aiming for a smoothly made bed. Look for bottom, or fitted sheets, that have elastic all the way around instead of just in the corners. This helps keep the sheet tight to the mattress for a great look that won?t bunch up and move under you as you sleep. For the top flat sheet, make sure to get one that is sized correctly for your bed. For instance, a queen sheet might adequately cover a king size mattress, but it won?t tuck in the way it should. This means that the sheet will move around a lot, getting wrinkled, kicked off the bed or squished at the foot of the bed under blankets or comforters. 

Thread Count

Thread count is the number of threads per square inch of fabric and when you shop for sheets, you will see the thread count is often highlighted. Typically, a higher thread count is considered superior and should mean a softer, more luxurious feeling sheet. The high-end sheets have thread counts in the thousands ? and the expense of these sheets reflects the quality. 

But before you only look at thread count as the measure of quality, remember fabric quality is very important. Lower quality fabric is not smooth against the skin, regardless of the number of threads per inch. In order to keep costs contained, manufacturers will economically increase the thread count by twisting multiple types of thread together and those sheets can actually feel rougher than the lower thread count options.

A good approach to thread count is a balanced approach. A 250-thread count sheet can feel excellent when a quality fabric is used. Many of the best reviewed sheets have about 500 threads per inch. When you are familiar with a quality fabric and the budget is not your concern, the highest thread count could be a wonderful experience.


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