What are home swimming pool rules -
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What are home swimming pool rules

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Make sure all swimmers know what are home swimming pool rules for your pool

Make sure all swimmers know what are home swimming pool rules for your pool

If you have a swimming pool on your property your first course of action is establishing rules and making sure that everyone knows what they are. You can purchase pool signs that you can hang in the vicinity of the pool, but you must also regularly and adamantly explain the rules, certainly to newcomers and others that do not know the ropes.

A swimming pool is a wonderful asset to your home and property and you and your family and friends will experience hours of enjoyment in the pool but swimming pools are also hazardous. Far too many children drown every year in swimming pools.   

Make sure your pool is fenced

Have a fence installed around your pool. A fence that encloses your entire back yard is good but even better is the installation of a pool guard fence, especially if you have an in-ground pool that is easy to fall into.

Pool safety fences are made to fit around your swimming pool creating a barrier so that small children cannot access the pool. Furthermore, consider getting a pool cover to be placed over the water during the winter. This prevents accidental drowning.

Pool guard fences are made of mesh or well-spaced slats so you can see through them, and some are made so they can be removed if and when you want to. The fences have self-locking gates that babies and children cannot undo. Pool fences are also referred to as pool barriers and baby gates or the ideal form of ?passive protection baby sitter.? This is the preeminent way to protect small children from accidentally falling in.


Never let kids (or anyone!) swim alone

Another rule that is NOT to be violated is that children are not allowed to swim if there isn?t an adult present. Threaten them with their lives which, in fact, they might lose if they don?t listen to you. Keep your cell phone or portable phone close at hand when people are swimming in the event of an emergency.

Slow it down

Forbid running around the edge of the pool because it can be slippery and kids and adults can fall and injure themselves.

Invest in swimming lessons

Teach your children to swim at an early age, whether or not you have your own pool. This is a necessity. All children must know how to swim so they can save themselves if they are ever in a perilous situation.

Pay attention to the weather

Get ?em out of the pool when there is thunder or lightning. When you hear thunder that means there is lightning somewhere so exit the pool. Do not wait until you see lightning.

Light it up

Put in exterior lighting and lighting inside of the pool so you can see the pool area and inside the pool at night. Keep your pool chemicals locked up and out of reach of children because they are poisonous.

Be careful of pool vacuums

If you use a vacuum to clean the pool it must be removed before anyone gets into the water. If yours is a permanent installation, make sure it’s turned off before anyone gets into the water. 

Diving and home swimming pools don’t mix

Explain the dangers of diving to children. You can prohibit diving altogether if that is your desire, which may be a smart decision. People are killed or paralyzed when they dive into water that is too shallow. They hit the bottom and end up breaking their neck. Have depth markers painted on the edge of your pool so the swimmers know how deep the water is. 

Learn CPR

If you are a pool owner, learn CPR. And make sure everyone old enough to master the CPR method is trained, too. That way, there’s always someone around to help in the event of an emergency.

Keep a clear view

Be careful if you have big pool toys. They can block your view, so you can?t see who is in the pool  or what they?re doing. And when swim time is over, don’t allow them to float around in the pool because this makes it impossible to spot someone who has fallen in. 

A cold pool can be hazardous

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Before you take the plunge, dip your toe into the water to see how cold it is. If it is freezing cold, this will take your breath away when you jump in. Cold water can actually shock your body. This makes your heart rate go up as well as your blood pressure. If you open your mouth because of the icy cold water, you can breathe in water causing you to choke. When water is extremely cold it also slows down your muscles, which makes it more difficult to swim to safety.


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