Wellness Trends to Jump Onboard for the New Year -
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Wellness Trends to Jump Onboard for the New Year

By Editorial Staff

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Wellness trends come and go like the weather, but some stick around and become health staples for generations to come. Below, we have compiled a list of the top ten wellness trends this New Year for beauty, health, and skincare.

10. MCT Oil

MCT oil is a medium-chain triglyceride oil. This is casually considered a more concentrated form of coconut oil. MCT is used to help people with high blood pressure, and fatigue, and prevent heart disease. As a fatty acid, it acts as a superfood for the cells of your body, providing mental clarity and a kick in metabolism. Try it this New Year for a healthier you.

9. Keto Diet

The purpose of the keto diet is to train your body. Basically, it runs on fat as opposed to carbohydrates and sugars. Keto diets are full of protein and healthy fats but require a complete ban on all rice, bread, and pasta. This is to force a switch in energy use so that your body not only burns the fat in your food but also uses the fat already in your body as fuel. This is a must-try this New Year for a Healthier you.

8. Paleo Diet

Paleo diets recreate the original diets of our paleolithic ancestors. This is to move away from processed foods and towards natural foods. Similar to the keto diet, paleo diets are high in protein and restrict you from eating carbs or processed foods. With this diet, you are allowed to eat root vegetables like yams or turnips.

7. Self-Care

Self-care is a buzzword that has been thrown around for the past few years. It is nothing more than the conscious decision to take care of yourself and recognize your boundaries. It can be hard in today’s world to find time for yourself or even rationalize taking time for yourself. Self-care is a wellness trend that can be universally applied to everyone. It can manifest as countless activities this new year.

6. Biohacking

Biohacking runs on the belief that the body is a system similar to a computer. Like a computer, it is possible to tweak and augment parts of our health to achieve maximum wellness. Through minor changes to the body’s “input” like food, biohackers believe they can affect noticeable immediate “output” or energy.

5. Probiotics

Our bodies are full of good and bad bacteria. Bad bacteria is the stuff that makes us sick. However, good bacteria is an agent that prevents us from getting sick. These good bacteria commonly referred to as “probiotics” exist in our stomachs and organs. They essentially help protect our bodies, process our food, and extract the nutrients from it. Taking probiotics as a supplement helps increase the good flora in your belly. As a result, it creates an ideal environment for them to grow and multiply.

4. Whole30

In this age of processed food, a diet offering nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for a month may sound jarring to some. The idea behind the Whole30, however, is to help people dip their toes in the waters of healthy living while helping to cut ties with the foods that have held back their health journeys in the past.

3. Sleep Hygiene

At some point, we as a culture decided that sleeping as little as possible was normal and healthy, especially this new year. Sleep hygiene is a major wellness trend. This is because people are recognizing the improvement in their day-to-day lives from a full night of sleep. Sleep hygiene consists of honoring how much sleep you need every night. This also includes not having caffeine after 6 pm to avoid staying up late. With this, one sticks to a regular sleep schedule to wake up as rested as possible.

2. Jade Rolling

Jade has been used for centuries throughout the world for its healing properties. A jade roller takes the soothing benefits of jade. It is a paint-roller-type beauty tool that rolls around your face to decrease puffiness and reduce fine lines.

1. K Beauty

K Beauty is the entire world of Korean skincare. South Korea has become a major producer of high-quality skincare and beauty products. This ranges from face caviar and sheet masks, to lip tints and eyebrow filler.

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