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Ways for Christians to Give Back

By Editorial Staff

giving backby Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

Did you know the word “give” appears in the Bible more than 1,500 times?

The church encourages members to give in meaningful ways and that varies for everyone.

These ways for Christians to give back are opportunities to contribute your time, effort, money, skills and heart to help make the world a better place.

10. Donate money

Donate money

Donating money to help children is a deeply meaningful way to express your love. It’ll amaze you how far a little money can go to children living in poverty in the US as well as those in need of food, clothing, clean water, education and medical care in other countries. Small donations can make a world of difference.

9. Savor the rewards

Savor the rewards

This isn’t referring to tax write-offs or frequent flyer miles racked up through donations made on the credit card. Jesus stated it is more blessed to give than to receive. The way giving makes you think and feel is the real reward.

8. Inspire

religious cards

Faith inspires the devoted to live purposeful lives. Share this inspiration by sending loved ones messages of hope and faith. Send ethnic greeting cards for Christmas and around the holidays. Kwanzaa cards, birthday cards and other greeting cards with a spiritual message express your personal beliefs and share them with people you love.

7. Help fellow Christians

Help fellow Christians

If you have the time and means, join a church group in building churches and schools in places that don’t have them. Participate in community oriented events and fundraisers. Help organize supplies, donate clothing and coordinate volunteers when natural disasters leave many Christian families in need.

6. Support the elderly

Support the elderly

There are countless ways for Christians to give back that don’t involve money. You can volunteer with Meals on Wheels to deliver prepared meals to older members of the community. Volunteer at a local senior center and play games or read to the residents. Organize caroling around the holidays – anything to brighten their day.

5. Shop at Christian Stores

Support Monasteries

Many retail stores and e-commerce websites are a means for Christian organizations to make a difference and give back to the community. They offer a range of merchandise from gifts and apparel, to Bibles.

4. Help the poor

Help the poor

Giving is a way of showing gratitude toward god. Responding to need in the community is in keeping with living a life of devotion. You can do this in many different ways. If you know someone going through a hard time, invite them over for a home cooked meal and send them home with leftovers. Offer to help them polish a resume or recommend them for a job.

3. Donate food

Donate food

These ways for Christians to give back express the loving, giving character of God. Paul wrote that his righteousness is expressed through giving and that those who supply food will multiply their own harvest for righteousness. Today, many interpret this by helping organize and donate breads, canned goods and fresh produce to local food pantries and food drives.

2. Help family

Help family

Scripture refers to giving as a voluntary act, except when it comes to family and raising Christian children. With family, it’s a responsibility that comes with the privilege of having a family. If the relative is financially irresponsible, give them bags of groceries or spend an afternoon helping them clean their home or fix a broken step.

1. Raise loving children

Raise loving children

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Parents may think they don’t have time or money to give to others. They may forget that they’re already doing the most important, selfless job in raising children in a loving, safe environment. Introduce the next generation to the beliefs that guide you through life, mark special occasions with a religious gift.


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