Toys Kids Will Love -
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Toys Kids Will Love

By Editorial Staff

toys kids loveby Info Guru Oliver Vandervoort

When we all think back to our childhoods, the memories that tend to stand out the most are the toys we loved to play with.

Children actually seem to forge some sort of relationship with the toys they truly enjoy playing with. Ask anyone what their favorite toy was when they were a child and a smile will most likely come over their face when they think back to those times. These days, there are certainly new and different toys than we remember, but that doesn’t mean that kids don’t still form a close relationship with the toys they play with. If you are looking to find the toys that your kids will love the most then you don’t need to look any further. Without further ado we bring you the top ten toys that kids love.

10. Squirt Guns

Squirt Guns

These are toys that actually harken back to the good old days but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t much loved. Kids today might have some squirt guns that look a little more futuristic and a little more involved but even the good old reliable and colorful plastic pistol can lend itself to hours of fun.

9. Model Airplane

Model Airplane

This is another toy that most adults remember playing with as well. Kids today, just like they did 50 years ago dream about someday being able to fly the real thing, but until that day comes many of them are perfectly happy playing with model airplanes. The sheer volume of different kinds helps fuel the love for this toy.

8. Push Toys

Toy Mower

Kids love to be able to do things that adults find rather tedious. You’ve probably seen toddlers spending hours upon end playing with push toys like lawn mowers, shopping carts, and toy vacuum cleaners around the house or the yard. It’s really too bad that at some point, those play time toys that we love when we’re growing up turn into things we truly despise when we get older.

7. Toy Kitchen

toy kitchen

You might notice a pattern that quite a few of the toys on this list are miniature or replicas of things that adults use. It seems to be part of growing up to use things like a playhouse or a toy kitchen. Kids love to be able to play pretend and if they have something like a toy kitchen they can play like they are keeping up their own house.

6. Big Wheel

Big Wheel

This toy will provide hours of outdoor entertainment as your little tike tools up and down the street in what is basically a starter bicycle. Using a big wheel means that they can actually play like they are driving a motorcycle around as fast as their little legs can take them.

5. Skylanders


This is basically the only technological toy on the list because the Skylanders are more than just something that allows people to play a video game. What makes these make the list is that they can be played with even when the kids are away from the television.

4. Train Set


Most kids have had at least one train set in their lifetime. Whether talking about the little more cartoonish Thomas the Train, or the more realistic train sets that look like the real thing, kids love to play with these sets.

3. Bouncy Balls


When talking about the love kids have for bouncy balls, you can be talking about the tiny little bouncers or you can be talking about the bigger balls that are actually bigger than a kid’s head. Bouncy balls are another toy that has been around a long time and is still loved, and used.

2. Playmobile


These toys have been around for so long that some of the sets are much more than toys and have morphed into collectors editions. Still, the toys are quite lovable because there are so many different scenes and scenarios kids can play out with Playmobile toys.

1. Legos


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One of the most popular toys of all time, simply because there is almost nothing you can’t build with and no scenario you can’t recreate. Legos are beloved because kids can use their imaginations over and over again.


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