Top 10 Summer Camp Songs
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Top 10 Summer Camp Songs

By Editorial Staff

One of the top ten summer camp songsContributed by Paul Seaburn, Top 10 Guru

Before there were karaoke machines, there were campfires. Before there were karaoke clubs, there were summer camps.

The main difference is that you can get rid of bad summer camp singers by feeding them to the bears. Here are top ten summer camp songs perfect for enjoying with and annoying your fellow campers.

10. It’s A Moray

One of the top ten summer camp songs

There’s a thing on the reef, with big shiny white teeth … it’s a Moray. Sing it to the music of “That’s Amore.”

9. The Baby Shark Song

One of the top ten summer camp songs

A great song for the younger kids because it has lots of activities, especially when the swimmer guy meets the baby shark.

8. The Ants Go Marching

One of the top ten summer camp songs

“The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.” Sing it to the tune of “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” while pitching the tents.

7. Funky Chicken

One of the top ten summer camp songs

What’s that you say? It’s not a camp dinner but a dance song that can go on as long as kids can come up with different styles for strutting like a funky chicken.

6. The Campfire Song Song

One of the top ten summer camp songs

A fairly new summer camp song that come from an episode of the SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon series. The challenge “And if you don’t think that we can sing it faster then you’re wrong” eventually turns the lyrics into a jumble of giggles and goofiness.

5. Down By The Bay

One of the top ten summer camp songs

“Down by the bay where the watermelons grow” campfire singers find a goose kissing a moose and other silly rhymes.

4. Great Green Gobs of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts

One of the top ten summer camp songs

This is a personal favorite, one I still sing when I sit down at a restaurant and there’s no spoon.

3. The Song that Never Ends

One of the top ten summer camp songs

While there are a number of summer camp songs that never seem to end, at least this one gives you a warning that “This is the song that never ends. Yes it goes on, and on my friend.”

2. If You’re Happy and You Know It

One of the top ten summer camp songs

Everyone is happy when they’re camping, unless it’s raining and there’s no campfire to sing this song around.

1. On Top Of Spaghetti

One of the top ten summer camp songs

Another personal favorite, sung to On Top Of Old Smokey. We should apologize to the author of that song because no one remembers the original lyrics anymore.

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