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Top 10 Items for an Apartment

By Editorial Staff

items for an apartmentContributed by Info Guru Oliver VanDervoort

When you first move into an apartment, there is the feeling of exhilaration that comes with being out on your own for the first time.

Of course, you also pretty much have an empty apartment and there are a couple of different things that you’ll need in order to do your apartment up right. Without further ado, the top ten items for an apartment:

10. Floor Lamps

Floor Lamp

While most apartments come fully equipped with overhead lights, you are going to want to give your apartment a better and more decorated feel with a nice selection of floor lamps the best part is that there are plenty of different lamps to give your apartment your personal style.

9. Couch or Loveseats


You are going to need a good place to sit down and relax after a long day. You can go with either upholstered furniture that is more comfortable or you can go with something that adds to the décor of the place but you will need a couch in order to feel right at home in your apartment.

8. Television


There isn’t much point in having a couch in your apartment if you aren’t going to have the centerpiece that a brand new television can be. You don’t need a particularly fancy television for your first apartment but if you can find a deal on a HDTV then you certainly aren’t going to be disappointed.

7. Blu-Ray Player

BluRay Player

Your television isn’t really complete unless you have a DVD player, and you aren’t spending the money on a DVD player right unless you are getting one that can Blue-Ray disks. Of course, if you do get this, you will indeed need a HDTV in order to get the full effect. The best news about this is that these days, Blu-Ray players really aren’t all that expensive. The more people who buy them, the more affordable they become.

6. Microwave Oven


Every self-respecting apartment dweller needs to get themselves a dependable microwave oven. Most apartments are going to come furnished with a regular oven, but you’ll need a microwave so that you can whip up a quick meal at 1:00 in the morning when you are watching the Die Hard series of movies on your new High definition television on you nice soft, comfy couch.

5. Pots and Pans

Pots and Pans

While you might become a master of cooking with a microwave, you don’t want any guests you might have over to think that you don’t know how to cook at all. You also should learn how to make at least a few dishes that don’t require radiation to heat up. A good set of cookware is a must for any apartment and the better the cookware, the more respect you will earn from those guests who come over for dinner.

4. Coffeemaker

Coffee Maker

A coffee maker is one of those tools that most people simply take for granted. They just assume that such a machine exists in every apartment, but you actually need to go out and get one of these. The better the coffee maker the better. You’ll never regret buying a quality coffee maker when you sip that rich morning brew! And don’t forget to get good coffee… it might seem expensive but it’s less than a daily trip to a coffee shop on the way to work.

3. Computer Desk

hickory computer desk

Even if you live in a smaller apartment you are doing to want to have a computer desk or a table with a laptop desk where you can stack up bills or your work, or surf the web. Don’t feel like you have to settle for a boring big box store desk, though. This is your home, and even a computer desk should match your taste.

2. Computer


Obviously, in this day and age you need to have a computer in your apartment, as well as an Internet connection. You can either go with the more traditional desktop computer, or the far more popular laptop computer. The bottom line is you need some way to send and receive email and update your Facebook page.

1. Well-Made Bed


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You didn’t really think this item would miss the list did you? After a hard day of microwaving your pizza rolls, watching Die Hard and telling everyone on Facebook that you did both, you need somewhere to crash. Make sure you get the most comfortable luxury mattress you can, then dress it in super soft sheets and comforters because on the average you’ll be spending more time here than anywhere else.


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