Top 10 Funniest Bumper Stickers
By Editorial Staff
Contributed by Cindi Pearce, Info Guru
Regardless of whether you are an aficionado or user of bumper stickers, one can’t help but chuckle when spotting a really comical slogan plastered on the back of a vehicle. Bumper sticks can be ornery and downright vulgar and offensive at times. They can also be thought-provoking, furor inducing, divisive and hysterical.
Bumper stickers often reveal the driver’s affinity for a cause or a musical band or a philosophical point of view or their political affiliation. Some people like their opinions and viewpoints to be known. Others prefer not to be so bold about it.
Business-wise, bumper stickers can act as a moving platform and reach a larger audience than a stationary advertisement, so they are considered an effective means of advertising. Do bumper stickers serve any true purpose other than to make people laugh or infuriate them? It could be argued that they allow the average person to express his views about the world.
Here are the top 10 funniest bumper stickers, although that could be argued. Feel free to throw in your two cents.
10. Politics and religion
9. Go Hillary!
8. Hell-bent
(People need to know, don’t they?)
7. Watch your kids
Oh, this is a wonderful threat to parents who do not watch their children out in public—or any time for that matter.
6. Guardian angel
5. Plan for the future
Now you know this has passed through your mind on occasion.
4. Stay out.
Any weary, jaded mother or father that longs for peace, quiet and solitude can appreciate this one. A popular bumper sticker, this one also comes as a decal, fridge magnet and greeting card. We’ve got you covered.
3. Here! Here!
2. One-upsmanship
Okay, soooooo totally irreverent and, yeah, tacky, but, come on, this is a laughable parody of the ever popular My Child was Student of the Month at Such-and-Such School bumper sticker, which we’re all sick of.
1. Queen Beatch
I’m BACKING the car up the driveway with this one in place. I’ve been trying to convince my kids and husband of this for years! Perhaps a bumper stick would help.
Some people consider bumper stickers bad tattoos for cars, likening them to human ink: Sometimes there are good ones but more times than not they are not so good. A bumper sticker, like a tattoo, is hard to remove, and often a sign of a long faded trend or opinion. Who cares who you voted for in 2004?
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Interestingly, a study done by Colorado State University revealed that drivers who put bumper stickers and various other decorations on their vehicles are more likely to engage in road rage.