Top 10 Diseases Of The Elderly
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Top 10 Diseases of the Elderly

By Editorial Staff

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderlyContributed by Jennifer Andrews, Top 10 Guru

Health diseases exist in every age population; however the elderly are more susceptible to certain diseases as they increase in age.

In addition to decreased muscle muss, lower energy levels and poor eyesight, there are serious diseases of the elderly that must be considered. Protect your own health and those of loved ones by reading the following top ten list of common elderly diseases.

10. Arthritis

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

One of the most common and chronic diseases of the elderly, arthritis results in decreased joint mobility, stiffness as well as joint aches and pains.

9. Hypertension

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition typically defined by a resting blood pressure that is greater than 120/80 or 110/70. It may be a primary condition in itself or a leading risk factor for several related cardiovascular diseases. If blood pressure is a concern, purchase blood pressure monitoring equipment and keep a tab on yours at home.

8. Diabetes

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

Diabetes is a result of poor insulin regulation in the body and can lead to numerous other serious health risks including vision loss, limb loss, decreased sensation in the extremities and infection.

7. Heart Disease

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

Heart disease is one of the leading cardiovascular diseases affecting the elderly. Other related diseases include coronary artery disease or a heart attack, which are typically preceded by a poor diet, exercise regimen and hereditary factors.

6. Osteoporosis

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

Osteoporosis is a common disease of the elderly that affects bone density in the body. Low bone-density which may result from poor nutrition, lack of weight-bearing exercise and poor general health, increases the risk of fractures with a fall.


A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a respiratory disorder that affects the elderly’s ability to breath. This leads to shortness of breath, early fatigue and low energy among other symptoms.

4. Hearing impairments

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

The ability to hear well decreases with age and thus hearing impairments largely affect the elderly. Nowadays, advances in hearing aids technology may help improve hearing status.

3. Depression

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

Although depression is a prevalent disease in most age groups, the elderly are highly susceptible to this mental health disorder. Changes in physical and mental health along with life transitions often lead to feelings of anxiety, low mood and loss of sense of self.

2. Alzheimer’s disease

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the common forms of dementia in the elderly. This elderly disease affects the brain which results in cognitive losses and eventually leads to complete memory loss.

1. Parkinson’s disease

A list of the top ten diseases of the elderly

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Parkinson’s disease is a common disease of the elderly that stems from changes in the brain which affects the nervous system. Common symptoms included tremors, shaking, difficulty mobilizing and poor balance.


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