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Find student reviews about colleges

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Here is a list of where to find student reviews about colleges and universities

Here is a list of where to find student reviews about colleges and universities

Trying to figure out where you are going to go to college is one of the toughest decisions anyone can make in their lifetime. This is not like picking a job, where you can leave after a period of time if you decide you aren’t happy. While you could leave college, there would be a whole mess of steps you would have to take in order to get into another school.

By and large, once you pick a college, you are announcing that you will spend at least the next four years of your life at that school. That sort of decision calls for a lot of forethought and planning.

Part of that planning should be done looking up reviews of the different schools you are interested in and making sure they offer what you want. There are entire magazines that are dedicated to telling you why you should go to one school or another and certainly those should be consulted as part of the whole experience.

Sometimes we just want to get information straight from the horse’s mouth. In this case, that would mean going to a website or publication that actually gives you a review from people who are attending or recently attended classes. But it can be hard to figure out where to find student reviews about colleges.


There are several different websites that come in handy to varying degrees when you want to know what students think about the place you are about to spend the next four years.


There may not be any better website around than Unigo. The site is quite professionally and will give you a huge variety of different college likeability rankings. There is criteria such as famous faculty, famous building, happiest students and a massive library of other things students should take into account when they are considering a school. Best of all is that while there is a professional look and feel to the site, the rankings and reviews are all curated and created by real live students or people who very recently graduated.

This approach means that people who are reading the reviews understand that the data isn’t coming from some stuffed shirt who has his own idea about what people should like about a University. These reviews come from people who are actually on the ground, and can tell a prospective student what there is to like.


Student isn’t quite a polished or clean as Unigo, but the purpose to the site is very similar. The creators of Student understand that students want to know what their peers think rather than what people in the previous generation believe they should like. The site boasts that they have reviews on over 3,300 colleges and that there are more than 100,000 different reviews written on those schools.

The thing that stands out most about this particular site is that it appears that smaller schools are reviewed more often. That can actually be a boon, because on average it is going to be easier to find reviews on the larger state schools than the ones that have class sizes smaller than your highschool. The site seems to fill a need in that aspect.

College Prowler

College Prowler is a little different than the other two sites on this list, because you can more easily interact with the student reviewers.  When you are looking for student reviews about colleges, reading an article is certainly helpful, but you might find that the article didn’t answer all your questions.

With a site like this, you can sign up and ask questions of articles you have read on the site, and get direct personal answers to your questions. You can interact at a more direct level with students who are at the school right now. This means that not only will you be able to make a more informed decision about the school you are attending, but once you’ve decided on the location you can get helpful pointers and tips in real time.


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