Shopping in Chelsea Market
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
Here are a couple of things you get when shopping in Chelsea market
Measuring one block long and one block wide, Chelsea Market has become the go-to stop for New Yorkers and visitors alike when they want to get new and different foods from all over the world and from all different categories of good eats. Shopping in Chelsea Market is a different kind of experience, because it feels as though you are wandering through one of the world’s largest grocery stores. If you treat every different little shop as a different section of the store, you’re going to be able to have a great time while seeing a huge variety of food.
The one drawback is that there is so much good stuff to eat in the Market, you are never going to want to leave. When you do finally leave, you will find your wallet is quite a bit lighter and you are weighed down by some serious shopping bags.
The Market has actually managed to expand beyond what was just food to now being a kind of upscale mall — one that doesn’t make you feel as though you are in a mall. The shops are small enough that you can hop from one to another rather easily while checking out every possible gourmet treat, from great breads, to fancy potato chips, and even wonderful clothes.
Located in what is referred to as Manhattan’s “meat packing district” this area has historically been known as the sort of locus of the city’s food trade. This history and tradition goes all the way back to when the Algonquin Indians used to trade their game and crops in almost exactly the same spot.
Obviously, the area has undergone quite a few changes since those days, with Manhattan now being the city’s epicenter of culture, fashion and more than a few well-to-do citizens.
The market has made sure to get a wide variety of different shops and stores so that you will never head to the place and come away empty handed. If you are looking for something to cook for dinner, you can make a stop in a place like “The Lobster Place.” This store is billed as having big gurgling tanks that hold huge live Maine lobsters all ready for you to pick out. The store might specialize in these crustaceans, but it also sells other seafood selections for a price that is quite affordable.
Maybe you’re looking for something a little different for your dinner party. A place like the Tuck Shop serves up a ton of different Australian meat pies and vegetables that are considered delicacies down under. If you are wanting some help planning that big dinner party, you can stop into the Cleaver Company in order to have the event and the menu planned down to the minute detail.
When shopping in Chelsea Market, you might just be looking for some of New York City’s best sweets and deserts. The Green Table offers up regular lunch and dinner choices, but it might be most well known for a wide variety of different sweets. The homemade ginger doughnuts are the toast of the town. The Pot de Creme and the cherry cobbler will have you going back to the market as often as possible as well.
After a long day of shopping, maybe you just want to take a load off and get a drink. The Tippler is one place you can hit, actually located on the lower level of the market that will allow you to sit back and relax and sip on a nice martini. There really is a shop or a store in this particular area that is going to offer up whatever it is you are looking for in your visit.
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