10 Most Useful Beauty Tricks You Should Not Miss -
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10 Most Useful Beauty Tricks You Should Not Miss

By Editorial Staff

Changes in seasons, hormonal shifts, and day-to-day dirt and grime can wreak havoc on your appearance. However, you don’t have to succumb to these common beauty thieves and hide out at home. Instead, try these useful beauty tricks to bring out your natural appeal.

10. Combat Scaly Skin with Sea Salt

Dry winter air can take its toll on skin. Itchy, dry skin is a constant menace. Take steps to rejuvenate your skin, such as with an invigorating sea salt rub to naturally exfoliate dead skin cells and give your complexion a healthy glow.

9. Soothe and Smooth with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil may well be Mother Nature’s best beauty offering. There is a good reason that coconut oil is an ingredient in so many beauty products—it works! Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and moisturizer. And, unlike some natural oils, it smells luscious! The oil can be applied directly to dry skin to hydrate and soothe rough patches. It can also be used as a hair conditioner or lip balm.

useful beauty tricks

8. Hydrate with H2O

In a world where everything seems to contain supplements, additives, and intensifiers, it is easy to forget that one of the best things you can do for your beauty regime is to hydrate from the inside out. Adequate water intake can improve your skin’s appearance with very minimal cost and effort. So cut back on the soda and energy drinks and increase your intake of H2O.

7. Cocoa Butter Battles Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter has long been hailed as the gold standard for stretch mark prevention. Mothers-to-be have slathered this delectable oil on their expanding bellies in the hope that this fragrant oil, which smells like a warm day at the beach, will help them keep their belly looking beach-ready. Try this one of the useful beauty tricks today.

6. Tame Blemishes with Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is one beauty kit must-have. This pungent oil is known to help with mild to moderate acne. It has also been used to treat dandruff, head lice, fungal infections of the nails, and athlete’s foot.

5. Bronzer Brings Back Beach Skin

When winter creeps in, so can the washed-out tones of pale winter skin. Bring back your bronzed beach glow with a little bronzer. Keep in mind that you may need to choose a color several shades lighter than your normal summer tone in order to blend naturally with your fairer winter skin tone, but the bronzer will add some light and life to the warn-out shades of winter.

4. Boar Bristle Brushes Battle Static Buildup

One winter woe that we could do without is the halo of statically charged hair that takes over as soon as the first winter winds settle in. One easy fix is to switch to boar bristle brushes. Unlike metal, plastic, or nylon bristles, boar bristles are more gentle, don’t conduct electricity, and are superior for distributing your hair’s natural oils. Although slightly more expensive, the price of boar bristle brushes is still less shocking than the static build-up that you will encounter with its cheaper counterpart.

useful beauty tricks skin care

3. Sunscreen’s a Skin Saver

Sunscreen, when properly applied and used regularly, can be one of the most effective steps in your anti-aging protocol. Not only does sunscreen help prevent sun cancer, but helps reduce sun-induced wrinkling and age spots.

2. Gotta Love Lip Stick

When you don’t have time to apply any other makeup, make sure to at least coat your lips with a bit of lip stick to “wake up” your face and provide a focal point. The bit of color can add drama to a drab face and give you a more finished look than simply dashing from the house totally au naturale.

1. Wind Down on Winter Shaving

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Finally, one of the most useful beauty tricks is shaving. Women with dry skin problems might consider cutting down on their hair removal regime during the winter months. Shaving, especially in a hot shower, can make dry skin worse. If you simply must shave, make sure to use shave oil on your razor blade. Shave oil allows the blade to glade across the skin and reduces irritation. Also, make sure to moisturize after shaving with an unscented lotion.


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