10 Useful Kitchen Gadgets that Make Everything Easier
By Editorial Staff
By design, these appliances are bound to make meal preparation a breeze. It’s time to say ba-bye to the tedious tasks and enjoy the creative side of cooking and baking.
Here are ten kitchen aids that really help you keep things clean and organized while saving time and effort.
10. Mess eliminators

It’s easy to make a mess when you have multiple burners going, one pot boiling over and hot oil spattering away. Luckily many of the kitchen products created specifically to address these problems work like a dream. It’s much quicker to clean when an attachment catches excess water before it boils over, or a grease shield contains the oil in the first place.
9. Scale

While trying to follow a recipe that goes by weight instead of volume can be tricky at first, a kitchen scale produces far more accurate results for bakers. It’s also helpful if you’re trying to lose weight.
8. Garlic press

Garlic presses and veggie choppers are a few kitchen aids that really help. That is, unless you prefer pungent hands. These contraptions are affordable and take care of the job in seconds.
7. Ice cube trays that don’t crack

Whether it’s summer and you’re loading up the sangria pitcher or post-run smoothie time, ice is a staple for many. But those long rectangular ice cube trays that crack every few months are an annoyance. Vertical ice trays cost more upfront, but they take up less space and last!
6. Fridge and pantry organizers

The more organized the pantry and fridge, the more likely you are to be inspired to make something delicious. Fridge bins and flexible shelves help you keep the most perishable fruits and veggies front and center. They also allow you to check out what ingredients you have at a glance so nothing goes to waste.
5. Easy peelers

Okay, so maybe it would be cool to be able to peel an apple with a paring knife, and maybe someday you’ll sit down and take 20 minutes to do that. But tonight you want to bake an apple pie without butchering the apples or your fingers. Nothing gets those skins off faster than a good peeler. Look for one with a wide, comfy handle.
4. Compost pail

Organic scraps like vegetable peels are usual suspects in making the garbage smell really bad really fast. Throwing them in a kitchen compost pail instead solves the problem while turning trash into rich fertilizer for the garden. This is a perfect way to show your kids what sustainable living is all about.
3. Openers

How annoying is it when your hands are wet and the jar you need won’t open? Sure you can dry your hands and bang it on a wood chair, or ask someone else to open it, but then you have to leave “the zone”. Get a 5-way can opener that can open anything – twist-offs, caps, glass jars and pop-tops – and you’ll never look back.
2. Blender

Juicers are getting a lot of attention from health nuts right now, but trusty blenders are classic kitchen aids that really help. Unlike juicers, these are easy to clean and affordable. You can use them to make juices, just strain before drinking, and all kinds of smoothies and green drinks. And if you don’t have an immersion blender, they’ll blend cooked veggies or beans into a smooth soup – just be sure to let the steam out through the top as you blend.
1. Stand mixer

If you love baking bread and airy treats like marshmallows, a stand mixer will absolutely prove a useful and lovely addition to your life. Because they’re heavy and take up a lot of space, you’re more likely to use one if you have the counter space to keep it out. While not essential, they’ll save you sore arms when baking and even keep bits of meat out of your nails when making meat balls!
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