Ways to keep date night fun for married couples -
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Ways to keep date night fun for married couples

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Exciting ways to keep date night fun for married couples who need to spice it up

Exciting ways to keep date night fun for married couples who need to spice it up

Okay, sometimes it?s enough for married couples to just leave the house without the kids and spend time together, stay in and play board games or binge on Netflix. But not always! While marriage isn?t all laughter and play, date nights can be.

Studies show when couples do exciting things together it makes a positive impact on the relationship. Having fun together automatically becomes associated with the relationship as a whole. You think about each other during these experiences and the good feelings are connected to that person.

These easy, sexy tips and fun adult playtime accessories to keep date night fun for married couples will rekindle the sparks and remind you why you fell for each other in the first place. After years together, introducing a little novelty to the relationship goes a long way towards fighting the ho-hums. Make a conscious effort to try new experiences both out in the world and behind closed doors. 

Breaking the routine

The fun begins in the bedroom, obviously. Ground rules are simple ? no talking about the kids or work or other family and friends. You?re the only two people getting attention. Then introduce the romantic treats and flirty surprises.~

Empty the house or treat yourselves to a cheesy couple?s hotel complete with champagne glass tubs and mirrored ceilings. An intimate massage, couple?s bubble bath and candles set the scene. Experiment with an exotic new fragrance, gorgeous lingerie and play a racy game to mix things up.

Make plans

Spontaneity sounds fun, but more often than not it results in dinner at the usual restaurant and maybe a movie. Boring! Alternate who plans date night each week and really commit to the planning part. 

Get cheap tickets to a play or head into the city to visit a new museum. Hold hands and enjoy the stimulation of new places, sounds and culture. Tune in to each other as you take these things in and it won?t matter if the show is good or not. 

Take on a challenge

If you?re stumped for ideas to keep date night fun for married couples, think about your fears. The adrenaline of facing these challenges and thrill of overcoming them with your partner will make you feel good about yourself and the relationship. This is a guaranteed way to rekindle romance.

Scared of heights? Book a skydiving date or ride a roller coaster together. Terrified of public speaking? Go do karaoke. The reminder you can lean on each other, the giddiness of surprising yourself, the comfort of sharing scary experiences together ? all of these good feelings linger.

Revisit good times

Every date night is a chance to create new memories. At the same time, your relationship is an on-going story and it?s good to re-visit the highlights. Go back to the place where you first met or went on your fist date and reminisce. Familiar places hold memories you may not otherwise think about. 

Mundane worries about chores and errands will no longer matter. Your mind will fill with the same sense of possibility you first felt with them. These days can be a time-out to look back and appreciate the life you?ve built together since then.

Get active

Break out the bikes and go on a long, wandering ride together. Pack a bag and follow a mountain trail to who knows where. Try ice skating, canoeing or sign up for trapeze lessons. Do the things you?ve always wanted to try but never found the time. Physical activity is good for your mind, body and relationship.

Couples get into ruts. It happens. The important thing is not to unpack and stay there. These tips to keep date night fun for married couples only scratch the surface of all the adventures that await.


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