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Jewish gifts for a newborn

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Celebrate the new arrival with a Jewish gifts for a newborn

Celebrate the new arrival with a Jewish gifts for a newborn

A new baby is such a miracle! So is it any wonder we want to celebrate with a gift or two to say “Welcome!” 

Blankets, stuffed animals and sleepers are great choices for any newborn. But if you’re looking for Jewish gifts for a newborn, it can be a bit harder to come up with good ideas. You want something that will honor the baby’s heritage, and yet you want something they’ll be able to use or appreciate sometime soon. Here are some great ideas from a mom of three and honorary Auntie of many more. 


Books hold a special place of honor in a Jewish home. And that’s true for children, too. But don’t look too far into the future and choose a book they won’t appreciate for a decade or more. Instead, look for some colorful Judaic children’s books mom or dad can start reading to their little one now. 

There’s no shortage of beautiful books about the Jewish holidays, Shabbat, Bible stories or Jewish families and cultural values. Look for books with eye-catching images and limited text per page for the first few months. Then add some board books and more detailed story books for the preschool years. 

Soft toys

You probably won’t find them at your local big box stores, but there is no shortage of wonderful Jewish baby and toddler toys available these days. Consider a set of soft alef-bet blocks, cloth quiet time books, or stuffed plush versions of ritual items like Torah scrolls and Sedar plates. 

These baby and toddler-friendly toys give little ones a sense of their family heritage from the start, while providing hours of play or comforting cuddling. And as babies grow into toddlers, they let them feel like a part of the celebration at the holidays or during services. 


Baby clothes

Most of the time, generic baby clothes are just fine. But for family gatherings or a tot Shabbat, it’s fun to have a few baby t-shirts, onsies or bibs that include Judaic images or puns. 

You might want to shop online for these, but I’ve seen them in regular baby stores in larger cities, too. Make-your-own design shops are another option for creating your own Jewish-themed baby clothes, even with the baby’s Hebrew name on it!

Baby bedding

It’s a fact…babies need blankets, even in warmer climates. So why not turn something purely functional into something that honors the baby’s religion with a blanket, crib set or comforter decorated with Judaic symbols, letters or even the baby’s Hebrew name? 

Nursery art

Babies love to look at things with strong patterns and bright colors. So why not look for some religiously-themed wall art that combines kid-friendly images with the high contrast babies crave? 
Pictures of Noah’s Ark, the Garden of Eden or Miriam and company dancing with timbrels after crossing the Red Sea are great choices for a child’s room. 


Research shows that playing music is a critical part of enriching a baby’s environment. Choosing several CDs is a wonderful idea when you’re looking for Jewish gifts for a new baby. Select soothing melodies for bedtime or naptime, then opt for more upbeat pieces for playtime or car rides. There are simple sing-along CDs for toddlers, too. 

They’ll develop a love of music…and a love for the stories and songs of their family’s culture. 

Be creative

Look at the regular baby gifts in your local store, and see if there’s a way to put a Jewish spin on them. But don’t worry about it being perfect…the baby…any baby…is perfect enough already. The gifts are just the icing on the cake!


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