How to enjoy a good cigar -
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How to enjoy a good cigar

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

How to enjoy a good cigar with style that makes you look like a pro

How to enjoy a good cigar with style that makes you look like a pro

Like all good things, cigar smoking is a pleasure often associated with the high points in life ? celebrating a new job or a child?s birth. That?s not to say that a cool afternoon with some time on your hands isn?t occasion enough.

Learning how to enjoy a good cigar is simple and significantly enhances the whole experience. This process is as much about which drink you choose to sip alongside, as it is about care and cutting. Cigar aficionados know what they like and how they like it, but they all had to start somewhere.

The best thing about being a beginner is that everything is new; each puff could bring a discovery. Keep an open mind and try many varieties of cigars. If you like writing things down, start a basic journal to record smoking experiences, including details like flavor impressions and if you?d buy certain types again.


A good location will have plenty of ventilation so you can appreciate the flavors without feeling lightheaded by all the smoke. A room with open windows or back porch allows you to kick back, relax and enjoy the view. Smoke lingers, so if you?re indoors position a fan towards the window to direct smoke out. ~


Use care when removing the plastic and label. Acquaint yourself with how it feels in your hand. Inhale the scent and listen to how it sounds when you roll it gently between your fingers. The tobacco inside should feel soft, almost rubbery. If the crackle is loud and dry, return it to a humid place (more about storage below) for a few hours.

For your future buying pleasure, note that rolling them between your fingers is a quick way to judge quality. Lumps or soft spots show an inconsistency in the filling and will result in a rougher draw instead of smooth.

Cut wisely

The tip, or head, must be removed. This is the part you put in your mouth, but unless you want to damage your teeth, resist biting this off. Cigar Aficionado recommends using a guillotine to cut it off, but be careful not to crush the cigar or disturb the wrapper, which is the outer layer that holds in the tobacco and contributes much of the flavor. A sharpened knife will also do the trick.

Lighting up

Hold it in the direction of the wind to keep smoke from your eyes. Rotate gradually while holding the flame to the foot so you evenly light the whole end. Matches are preferred by some, but a cigar lighter – although it may have chemicals that go into the cigar – is the top choice for others.


One of the major differences between smoking these over cigarettes is that you don?t inhale. Place you lips on the cut end and take a small puff instead. The key of how to enjoy a good cigar is to allow the smoke to roll around inside your mouth, stimulating your palette before you slowly exhale.


Roll the lit end over the ashtray edges slowly rather the tapping them off. Ashes that retain the shape are a sign of high quality so note the brand if you like the flavor.


These tips will help you experiment with different ways of how to enjoy a good cigar.

  • Find your drink of choice. Water allows you to identify the depth of flavors throughout, but many prefer having their smoke with a cup of coffee or glass of liquor.
  • Take advantage of discount cigar stores so you can taste a wide variety without going broke.  Like wine, cheap doesn?t necessarily mean low quality. In fact it often signifies high volume.
  • Use a humidor for storage. Optimum conditions are 70 degrees Fahrenheit at 70% humidity.   

Cigar smoking is about a lot more than flavor and special occasions. Wait until you have a good amount of free time so you don?t need to rush the experience. After all, music and conversation go well with any brand.


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