How to Order a Free Talbots Womens Clothing Catalog
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How Do I Order a Free Talbots Women’s Clothing Catalog?

By Catalog Editor Staff

About The Talbots Catalog 

The Talbots catalog is easy to order, free, and filled with beautiful clothing, shoes, and accessories. Talbots Catalog offers clothing ideas and inspiration. Take advantage of a quality selection of timeless wardrobe essentials in a broad range of sizes that includes women’s classic apparel, shoes, and accessories.

How To Order Talbots Free Catalog

If you’d like to have a Talbots women’s clothing catalog mailed to your home, you’ll need to here on the website to fill out the catalog request form.

On the form, be sure to fill out your personal information. Include a full mailing address, both your first and last name, and your ​email address.

When you have completed the form, hit the submit button to send in your order. Your free catalog from Talbots should arrive in 10-14 business days.


Talbots catalogs are only available those who live in the United States.

Other Free Catalogs Like Talbots

Do you like the Talbots catalog? If your answer is yes, try these free Women’s Clothing catalogs you can get from Essentials, Serengeti or Soft Surroundings.

Other Ways to Shop Talbots 

If you already have a Talbots catalog, you can easily find the items you like on the Talbots website by entering the item number into the space provided on That way you can browse and add items that you find in the catalog and still enjoy the convenience of ordering through their website.

Another way to order from Talbots is by calling 1-800-TALBOTS (1-800-825-2687). That line is open 6am-2am EST.

If you don’t have a catalog or just prefer to browse through their products online, you can shop on The menu organizes all of the products into sections for Clothing, Shoes, Accessories Petite, Plus, TbyTalbots, Life & Style, and Sale. Select one of these menu options, then you will navigate to a different page full of the product groups. The products are grouped to help you narrow your search. Select a group on the right to browse by type of clothing or Collection.

For instance, the main “Clothing” menu lets you browse for tops, bottoms by style, fabric, and use. A link for New Arrivals you to sort according to categories and Collections and you can also Shop by Size.

There’s also a menu dedicated just to Sale items. Select the sale menu to take advantage of the current clearance sales, these products are offered anywhere from 40-60% off. There is also a Shop the Deal where you can check on those products that are all $29.99.

Popular Savings Offers

When you’re looking through a list of products on the Talbots website, it’s easy to find the things you are interested in. You can sort the lists by different menus and filter them out by Categories, Collections, or both.


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