Best of … high tech gadgets stores
By Editorial Staff
Contributed by Paul Seaburn, Top 10 Guru
It’s tough to keep up with your geeky neighbors when today’s high tech gadget is tomorrow’s high tech coffee cup coaster.
Technology is changing faster than you can say “Is it 3G, 4G or bungee?” Today’s high tech gadgets can be both time-savers and time wasters, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Scientific Supply Stores
Geek, Retro and Sci-Fi
A science supply store has the latest in high tech gadgets as well as retro playthings for the older geek who loves the smell of solder in the morning. It stocks parts for do-it-youselfers and kits for do-it-with-a-lot-of-helpers. The toy section is out-of-this-world and the project components section will have you imagining your next home-created-rocket-to-Mars. Go for it! NASA could use the help!
LiveView GPS
I’ll be tracking you
When their clients include government agencies, law enforcement and security-conscious corporations, you know they must be good. LiveView GPS provides sophisticated tracking equipment to protect your vehicles, boats, computers, cell phones and any other property that might be stolen. These high-tech trackers can also be used to protect your children and elderly parents. They’re gadgets that pay for themselves.
Heartland America
The center of everything
Heartland America lives up to its name by being the country’s center for gadgets for the home, office and everything in-between. Computers and accessories, cell phones and GPS, cameras and recorders, TVs and stereos – if Heartland doesn’t have it, it’s un-American!
Parts and Componnents
Go ahead, tinker
If you want to automate it, remote control it, wire it up or set it to autoplay, odds are the gadgets, connectors and components are out there to make it all happen.
All you need to do is convince your partner and kids that it’s a good idea to have the dog food bowl, toilet flusher and garage door opener all set to operate automatically. And then wire it so none of them accidentally sets off the wrong device. (Of course, you can also find ordinary replacement tech stuff here, but that’s not nearly as much fun!)
If you have ‘Geek’ in your name, you’d better have high-tech in your game, and a store that lives up to its promise. From organizers to keep your computer cables from taking over your office floor to toys to keep your office work from taking over your mind, find a website loaded with high-tech gear and gadgets for any place a geek lays his solar-powered propeller hat.
Science Supply Store
Build it, test it, try it, learn it
It one thing to talk a good geek game. But it’s who other thing to actually DO geek. At a science supply store, they make it possible for me to buy parts and gadgets and kits and then put them together at home to actually test out those theories from the science books. It’s just like high school science lab, except now you get to play with all the things your teacher used to say were “just for teacher demos.”
Yeah, that’s right! You’re geek, you’re bad and you’re proud. Bring it on, nerd catalogs. You’re ready!
White’s Electronics Metal Detectors
Buried treasure, be warned!
I don’t know about you, but I think any gadget that can see what’s buried under the ground — even in water — has to rate pretty high on the best high tech gadgets scale. I mean come on….it’s like having x-ray vision! But metal detectors from White’s Metal Detectors give us all that power. You can take it out into your yard, into the woods, on the beach, or even right into the lake and see through the ground. Love it!