Creative gift wrap ideas for baby gifts -
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Creative gift wrap ideas for baby gifts

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Gift wrap ideas for baby gifts to make the outside as special as the inside

Gift wrap ideas for baby gifts to make the outside as special as the inside

Welcoming a new baby is such an exciting event, so it only makes sense that the gifts you give them should be just as exciting to receive.

So why settle for ordinary paper and stick-on bows or generic gift bags? There are so many wonderful gift wrap ideas for baby gifts, and most of them are so easy to do. Here are a few of my favorites.

Start with the blanket

A new mom can never have too many receiving blankets, so why not pick out a pretty one to use as your wrapping “paper”? Just set the box or package in the middle of the blanket and gather it up. Secure it with a rubber band or heavy duty hair tie at the top, then add a “bow” made of a baby washcloth. And in seconds, you have a beautiful baby gift, with no waste of paper!

For larger gifts, choose a crib sized blanket and follow the same directions. You can gather, or fold it as you would paper, using diaper pins to secure the seams.

Baby towels also work well some gifts (especially soft ones like stuffed animals, sleepers or baby linens.

Bake, er, um, MAKE a cake

Baby gifts can also be arranged to look like a cake. Start with a baby bottle or a rolled crib sheet for the center. Fold a baby towel or receiving blanket in thirds long ways…use two if you have a lot to put into the cake. Tuck small soft items inside of the folds — onsies, bibs, washclothes, sleepers, t-shirts and diaper covers work well.

Place the bottle or tightly rolled sheet at one end of the towel(s) or blanket(s), aligning the bottom of the bottle/sheet with the bottom of the blankets and start rolling around it. When you finish, secure the “cake” with diaper pins, then tuck tiny socks or booties in the top as “candles”.

Splish, splash, it’s time for a bath

Sometimes the best wrap isn’t a wrap at all. If the new family needs a baby bathtub, use it as a gift basket to fill with other fun gifts for bath time. Consider adding:

  • Baby towels and washcloths
  • Baby bath soap
  • Baby shampoo
  • Rubber duckie and other bath toys
  • Baby comb and brush set
  • Baby lotion
  • Baby bath thermometer
  • Nasal bulb

Wrap it all up in pale blue (water color) packaging cellophane and your gift is ready to give!

A fully loaded baby bunting

For a winter baby, how about buying a cozy baby bunting, and filling the bottom with other cold-weather needs, like tiny mittens, a blanket, a hat, long-sleeved onsies, tiny long underwear (yes, the do make it!) and warm booties.

Put a teddy bear at the top, so its face with be above the zipper.  Zip it up, pull the hood up on the bear’s head and you’re done. 

Create a welcome stocking for a new Christmas baby

For a baby born on or near Christmas, why not use a pretty stocking as your wrap? Fill it top to bottom, and top it off with a colorful soft toy. Add a “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament if the little one arrived on or before Christmas day.


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