What are the Best Gadgets for Coffee Lovers? Great Gifts and Must-haves
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What are the Best Gadgets for Coffee Lovers? Great Gifts and Must-haves

By Editorial Staff

by Catalogs.com Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

For those of us who crave the bitter smooth satisfaction of java, happiness is only a cup away. While this beverage of choice goes back to the 15th century, technology is only recently catching up to our hunt for new ways to brew the perfect buzz. The golden era is upon us! Thus, Catalogs.com has compiled the 10 best gadgets for coffee lovers to give unique gift ideas and inspiration for coffee lovers. These coffee gadgets for coffee lovers enhance the whole experience from grinding to the very last hot sip.

10. Single Cup Maker


One of the best gadgets for coffee lovers is a single-cup-maker. Enjoy a fresh cup every time! Not only do you get to smell the fresh aroma again and again, but lukewarm, bottom-of-the-pot leftovers are a thing of the past. This machine is ideal for coffee fiends in a house full of tea drinkers. You eliminate waste and get a more balanced drink with each cup. This is definitely one of the best gadgets for coffee lovers.

9. Grinder

Grinder, gadgets for coffee lovers

Freshly ground beans are the key to the deliciously home-brewed kingdom. What qualifies as a good coffee grinder is a simple matter of consistency, not necessarily cost. Durability helps too because there’s nothing worse than getting hooked on the rich scent of fresh ground beans only to have the grinder break on you in a few months. Heed customer reviews!

8. Tabletop Robot

Tabletop robot, gadgets for coffee lovers

Gadget-obsessed coffee lovers today can make your morning joe by hitting a few buttons on a phone app. Of course, you’ll need to have a tabletop brewer (like the Scanomat design pictured above) installed and ready to go, but that’s a minor detail. Minimalists adore this sleek design. This modern coffee gadget is an amazing piece to give to coffee lovers.

7. Hang Grinder

Hand grinder, gadgets for coffee lovers

Not all gadgets for coffee lovers are a product of modern technology. Hand grinders make the brewing experience ever more tactile, reminding purists that this is a drink best made with care. This handy tool makes the process a bit more laborious, but it’s affordable and perfect for camping.

6. Milk Frother

Milk frother

Some of the best gadgets for coffee lovers include the right tools. Home-made lattes and cappuccinos can be tricky to make without the right tools. A frother will give café-made treats a run for their money. These simple contraptions rotate warm milk in every direction to produce a super foamy, deliciously frothy replacement to microwaved milk. Mochas, lattes, and other fancy drinks are best enjoyed alongside a generous slice of coffee cake.

5. Joulies


If you haven’t heard of coffee joulies before, prepare to be astounded. Shaped like a bean, they’re made of a metal that absorbs thermal energy, cooling scolding coffee down to a drinkable temperature. The heat is stored and gradually released so your drink doesn’t cool down before you finish.

4. Handpresso


Who wants to wait at the drive through when you can make your own espresso in your car? This is one of the few gadgets for coffee lovers that use the in-car light for power. All you need to do is add the water and gourmet espresso before leaving, then wait two minutes while the magic happens.

3. French Press by Cup

French press by the cup

Single cup makers are more popular than ever and they come in a wide range of designs. If you love French press, you can still get in on this trend with a minibrew mug. These are designed similar to a French press, so you add in your organic ground beans and hot water, then filter it with a side plunger.

2. Portable Brewers

Portable brewers

The beauty of many portable makers is their clean simplicity. An Impress brewer (pictured above) takes as few as 3 minutes to produce a single cup using no plungers, paper filters or coils to clean. The result is a smooth, hot cup with a clean flavor that allows you to really taste quality organic coffee beans.

1. Drip Makers for Camping

Drip makers for camping

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Percolators are the traditional fallback for campers looking for their morning kick, but they’re not the only option. Flip and drip makers have a mesh filter at one end and a thermal mug at the only. Add hot water, flip and wait for the mug to fill with a fresh cup of morning java made for mornings outdoors. Get this cool coffee gadget today and enjoy every sip of your daily cup.


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