How to create an event on Facebook -
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How to create an event on Facebook

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Social networking sites offer powerful tools and apps for promoting events

Social networking sites offer powerful tools and apps for promoting events

Facebook has grown to become the most popular social networking site on the internet. 

Facebook fans seem to agree that one of the very biggest social networking perks Facebook has to offer is the events application, which enables users to create events and invite selected friends to gatherings as small as birthday parties or dinner parties, and as large as corporate meetings and political rallies.

Marketing and public relations gurus emphasize that utilizing social networking sites is the key to   promoting events in today’s high tech community. Fortunately, it is easier than you might expect to setup events on Facebook, invite friends, spread the word, and increase foot traffic. Besides, it sure beats the traditional method of mailing traditional paper invitations! Sending Facebook event invitations is faster, cheaper, and substantially more environmentally responsible than printing out paper invitations.  

You don’t have to be a tech savvy marketing professional or public relations official to create Facebook events. However, you do need to have a Facebook account in place.

Easy Instructions to Setup an Event on Facebook

1.   Open the Events App

To find the events application, log onto your Facebook page, and search for the events app at the bottom navigation bar. If the events app is hidden, just type the word ?events? into the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the Facebook screen.  

2.   Create An Event

Once you have opened the events application, you can view upcoming events that you have been invited to (or are hosting), past events (which you may wish to delete), other events that your friends are attending. In order to set up an event on Facebook, click on the ?Create an Event? icon located in the upper right hand corner of the screen


3.   Plug in the Event Info

Once you opt to create a Facebook event, you will be prompted to enter the name of the event, the location or address, as well as the start and end time. You can also have the options of adding a sub-header (a smaller line which will display under the event headline) which can offer more details, descriptions or specifics pertaining to the event.

4.   Select Guests

Click on the ?select guests? button to view a drop down screen with boxes containing the names and faces of all your Facebook friends. Click the box with the name of each friend you would like to invite. Once the box is selected it will be highlighted with a check mark. Additionally, the e-mail address of that friend will be added to a list of invitees at the bottom of the screen. To un-invite someone, simply double click the box.

5.   Select Privacy Settings

There are three different settings you can choose from to publicize or share your event: 

Open ? Open events can be seen by everyone, and anyone can RSVP or invite others to the event, regardless of whether they had been invited in the first place.

Closed ? Anyone can see that a closed event exists, but the event details can only be read by those who have been invited, and guests will need to be invited in order to RSVP. Guests may request invitations.

Secret ? Secret events are only seen by those invited, and won’t show up in any news feeds. Only the selected invitees can RSVP to closed events.

6.   Add a Photo and/or Link

The Facebook events application allows users to upload a photo, and a link to a website or page featuring additional information about an event.  

7.   Keep Track of R.S.V.P.’s

One helpful features of the Facebook events application is that it enables users to keep track of who will be attending an event. Each invitee has the option to decline or accept an invitation. Once created, each and every event also has a ?wall? or a public space where invitees can post comments, responses or other information.  

8.   Other Helpful Tips

The event application has a variety of other helpful features including a ?cancel event? tab. Anyone who creates a Facebook event also has the power to message all the guests, edit the guest list, print out a guest list, and even promote the event with a Facebook ad.

Millions of events are created on Facebook each week!  If you are planning an upcoming event, it is well worth exploring the powerful tools offered by social networking sites such as Facebook.


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