Colorful Plants for your Garden -
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Colorful Plants for your Garden

By Editorial Staff

colorful gardenContributed by Info Guru Terri Wallace

Whether your garden is a quaint cottage affair or a great expanse of lush greenery, a bit of color can add depth and visual impact.

Take your yard’s curb appeal up a notch with some of these colorful plants for your garden.

10. Muscari


Muscari armeniacum (more commonly referred to as “Grape Hyacinths”) are a “plant and forget” bulb that provides both fragrance and color to your garden. The bulbs produce white or purple colored flowers which, when planted in clumps or drifts, are a dramatic addition to your flowerbeds.

9. Dwarf Iris

Dwarf Iris

Dwarf Iris (Iris reticulate) bloom early in spring. They are easy to propagate, return annually, and frequently multiply. The flower’s fragrance is similar to that of a violet, and the color varies but is often found in shades of blue and purple.

8. Tulip


Tulips are another easy-to-grow bulb that can add a lot of impact in a garden. Tulips come in a rainbow of colors to coordinate (or contrast) with the other plantings in your yard. They are particularly impressive when planted in large beds, or “drifts,” and the sea of colors acts as a visual “anchor” for other plantings.

7. Grecian Wildflower

Grecian wildflowers

A type of Anemone, Grecian Wildflower resembles a very compact daisy. However, unlike daisies, they have large blossoms, bloom earlier in the spring, and come in a riot of colors. The pinks, blues, and fuchsias hues will set off the more subdued colors in your garden. An undemanding flower, Grecian Wildflowers, like most anemones, will often self-seed if planted in a suitable location.

6. Snapdragons


Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are impressive as they tower over your smaller plantings. Their blossom-laden flower heads emit a slight fragrance, and they come in in a wide variety of colors. A single snapdragon plant can be expected to produce approximately seven or eight blossom spikes during its growing season. The snapdragon is a favorite cut flower and garden border planting.

5. Cone Flower

Cone Flower

Cone flower, or Echinacea, is not just found in cold remedies at the drug store, it is also a welcome sight in a spring garden. Available in a variety of colors, this sturdily-stemmed upright flower is a graceful addition to the landscape and adds much needed height when planted in clumps among ground cover.

4. Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush

Asclepias tuberosa, more commonly called “Butterfly Bush,” brings not only color to your landscape, but also butterflies, as its common name implies. This perennial was also recognized by Native Americans for its medicinal purposes but, even if you are not suffering from a cough, the benefits of this colorful species are apparent.

3. Blood Sage

Blood Sage

Salvia coccinea (also known as Texas sage, scarlet sage, tropical sage, or blood sage) is an herbaceous perennial that thrives in much of the southern United States. The impressive deep-red color provides a splash of long-lasting color.

2. Dahlia


Dahlia is a bushy, herbaceous perennial which is related to the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum, and zinnia. There are over 36 species of dahlia. The majority of species do not produce scented flowers, but they are brightly colored and display most hues—but, alas, not blue.

1. Verbena


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Verbena is quite an old plant with an almost mythical history. It is associated with divine and supernatural forces. In ancient Egypt, it was known as the “Tears of Isis.” Greece dedicated the plant to Eos Erigineia. Folk legend proclaims that V. officinalis was utilized to staunch Jesus’ wounds from the crucifixion. Henceforth, it has been known as “holy herb” or “Devil’s bane.” A clump of this plant tucked in the corner of the garden might make the garden seem more colorful—perhaps even magical.


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