Christmas Gifts for Hopeless Romantics -
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Christmas Gifts for Hopeless Romantics

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

romantic giftContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

Christmas is one of the most romantic times of the year. The softly falling snow, the sparkling lights…and then there are the gifts.

If you’re a hopeless romantic, the perfect holiday gift makes all the difference in the world to you. I know that, because I am one myself. If you’re looking for the right Christmas gift for the hopeless romantics in your life, I hope this top ten list will help you.

10. Time away together

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics time away together

Leaving the noise and rush of daily living behind and spending time together is one of the favorites of homeless romantics. Whether you jet away to the other side of the world, or check into a bed and breakfast on the other side of town, your romantic partner will delight in the time away with you.

Extra points if your destination has a fireplace!

9. A night of candles, music and …

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics candles, music and

Hopeless romantics are sensitive to the details of setting, so treating them a wonderland of soft music, candlelight and sweet scents you’ve created will leave them weak in the knees. And deeper in love.

Extra points on this gift if the bed is draped with flowing fabric or the linens are silk!

8. A fingerprint charm

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics charm bracelets

Presenting your partner with a fingerprint charm for a favorite charm bracelet is a sure winner for Christmas. Be sure to explain why you chose each charm for her. Charms are also lovely presented with a delicate chain, to be worn around the neck.

Bonus points if you included a charm from her childhood.

7. Her favorite childhood toy

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics childhood toys

Most of us had a special childhood toys … the one truck or doll or game we played with over and over again. Find out what your beloved’s favorite toy was, and then track down one as a Christmas gift. A true hopeless romantic will love the gesture even more than the toy!

Bonus points for suggesting that your partner displays his or her toy on a shelf with your childhood fave.

6. A copy of your favorite book

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics favorite book

Is there one special book that has played a special role in your life? It could be a book from when you were a kid, or something you’ve read and re-read in the years since then.

Sharing a copy with your partner, and explaining why this book matters so much to you is a romantic gesture they’re sure to love. Extra points for knowing what their special book is, too.

5. A scrapbook for you two to share

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics scrapbook

Starting or completing a scrapbook of your adventures together is another gift that a hopelessly romantic spouse will love. Spending time talking about the pictures and the events is a great way to reinforce the good times, and bring you two even closer.

Bonus points if you sometimes surprise your beloved with new pictures added to the book!

4. Cashmere anything

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics cashmere

Hopeless romantics love all things sensual…sights, scents, sounds, tastes and above all, textures.

So wrapping your loved one in cloud-soft cashmere is a gesture sure to touch their heart. And because true romantics aren’t greedy by nature, anything made of cashmere will do just fine, from a sweater to a pair of socks. Extra points if you get the gift in their favorite color!

3. A table for two, somewhere unexpected

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics table for two

If you take the time to set a table for two somewhere unexpected, your hopeless romantic will melt, no matter what the season. Choose a remote beach, a sheltered spot in the woods, or scenic hillside.

If the weather is chilly, be sure to load up on blankets or have a roaring bonfire going before they arrive. If it’s too cold for outdoor picnics, a romantic picnic on a blanket in front of the fireplace will do just fine.

2. You, reading her a love poem

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics reading a poem

Words may be words, but somehow when they’re arranged into poetry they take on a new power prose just can’t touch. That’s why reading poetry to your partner is such a wonderful gift. Write your own if you can, but if you’re not a poet, choose one from a book. Just make sure the words express your feelings — a poem read but not meant means little.

Bonus points if you read the poem by candlelight, under the stars or in some other romantic setting.

1. A sleigh ride

top 10 christmas gifts for hopeless romantics Sleigh ride.

Cuddling up under a soft blanket in a sleigh next to the one you love, while snowflakes fall is one of the most romantic gifts you can give your romance-loving partner.

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While this one needs no bonus points, you get extras if you remember to bring hot cocoa … and that book of poetry.


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