What are the Best Medical Alerts That Call Family? ha
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What are the Best Medical Alerts That Call Family?

By Catalog Editor Staff

We can’t over-emphasize the importance of good health and medical alerts. People often do their best to stay as healthy as possible. But that may not always protect us from emergencies. Everyone gets sick from time to time, especially during old age. While some may simply have a common cold, others may face worse situations. 

If our loved one happens to be critically ill, disabled, or is at a well-advanced age, it is often up to us to ensure that they are well cared for. One way to achieve this is by monitoring their health status remotely.

Years back, we probably would have laughed off the possibility that there would be a technology to monitor our health status alert us accordingly. But here we are, a few years later. This technology is already saving lives by alerting health care agents and family members of delicate persons when they need medical attention. Impressive, right?

Do you know that you can get these medical alert systems for your loved ones and monitor their health status conveniently? Here, let’s look at the medical alert, how it functions, and the best medical alerts that call family.

What is a Medical Alert?

A medical alert system, or a personal emergency response system (PERS), is a device programmed to notify concerned persons about an impending health problem. It also calls for the necessary immediate medical assistance.

The device is typically found in a bracelet or smartwatch and has a transmitter that activates in emergencies. It can come as a pendant that attaches to a necklace. Also, it can come as a small item attached to the belt or a motion detector placed somewhere at home. However, the primary duty of the device is to alert medical personnel or any close family member whose phone connects to the monitoring device in cases of emergency. 

How Does a Medical Alert Work?

You will generally expect such a life-saving technology to have a very complicated working principle. However, the medical alert system works in a straightforward and less sophisticated way. How does it work?

The medical alert is a small, lightweight device that people who need medical surveillance wear to enable regular monitoring. These devices often have a motion sensor-controlled button that automatically activates when the patient falls or exhibits any other motion form requiring emergency medical attention. The device monitors the movement, pulse, heart rate, temperature, and other variables that transmit information about life-threatening situations in users. The user can also trigger the sensor manually by pushing the button if they feel threatened by an uncomfortable situation.

So what happens when the sensor is triggered? 

Some alert systems have integrated voice, data, and GPS systems. Once the alert system senses an impending danger, it immediately notifies designated medical personnel through GPS or voice technology. It also sends an alert to family members whose mobile phones are synced to the device. This way, affected persons can get immediate help before the issue becomes critical.

Are there any Medical Alert Systems in My Area?

Getting a medical alert system fixed does not usually involve too many hassles. However, some have complained that the process is quite complicated. Others report that they could not get service, despite their best efforts. This shouldn’t be the case, considering the medical alert’s importance to aging and disabled people. So how do they go about it?

If you ever need a medical support system, the first place to check is with your insurance company. Some insurance companies offer this device or cover the cost of securing one for their clients, as long as your coverage meets the specified conditions. But if you are ineligible to receive this offer, you can inquire from hospitals and nursing homes near you. This helps to know if they give out these systems and how their services are.

However, if both options fail, you can trust medical alert companies to come through with a device that is right for you. Most medical alert companies offer installation services and deliveries to any location. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the distance between you and the company. You can find medical alert companies online, and you can reach out to them via their website.  

Important Features to Look For in Medical Alerts

When obtaining a medical alert system for yourself or a loved one, ensure that you get a system that works for you. For this to be possible, you have to understand how it works and the important features to look out for.

The table below explains the features of medical alert systems.

Features Functions Importance
Range detectorShows how far the user can be from the base device for the system to function properlyA good medical alert system should have a range sensor that shows the distance the user is allowed to travel and notifies the user when they are about to exceed the sensor limit. 
Battery life detector Shows the percentage of battery left and notifies the user when the device needs to be rechargedMedical alert systems should include this feature to keep the user informed about the battery status. 
Fall detector Alerts the monitoring units when the user falls The motion sensor helps detect falls and alerts the designated medical agency in cases where the user is knocked unconscious and unable to call for help.
Water resistance Protects the device from getting damaged by water. Since about 50% of falls happen in the bathroom, this feature permits users to wear the device to the shower or under the rain without worrying about the device’s safety.
Mobile unit  Enables the device to function effectively outside the house. This feature allows the user to stay monitored both in and out of the house. This way, the monitoring center can be alerted even if a fall or an emergency occurs outside the house. 
The features of Medical Alert Systems

What are the Best Brands of Medical Alert that Call Family?

A medical alert system calls family or medical services for assistance as soon as it notices an emergency. Therefore, any system that fails to send an immediate alert to the concerned persons when an emergency occurs is not a good medical alert system. We advise against such systems.

Here is a list of the top 10 brands of medical alerts that call family (in no particular order).

  1. Bay Alarm Medical
  2. Medical Alert
  3. Medical Guardian
  4. Aloe Care Health
  5. GetSafe
  6. MobileHelp
  7. LifeStation
  8. Medici
  9. Medical Care Alert
  10. Philips Lifeline

What is the Life Alert Customer Service Information?

Life Alert contact info:1-800-360-0329
Life Alert official website:http://www.lifealert.com
Life Alert Customer Service Information

Medical alerts are already programmed to require immediate medical attention on your behalf in case of emergencies. They are also equipped with specific 21st century technological systems like motion sensors, water resistance, and backup batteries to enable them to serve you better. Nevertheless, the Life Alert Customer Service Information should be on speed dial in case of a medical alert service failure or a malfunction.

The Life Alert hotline and official website are available and accessible 24/7. Therefore, once you notice that your medical alert system does not respond accordingly in an emergency, call the Life Alert number immediately or request assistance via the Life Alert website.

Bottom Line

As a critically sick person or an older adult, living alone may be risky, considering the complications of these situations. This is often a worry for not just the affected persons but for their families and loved ones as well, especially those who are to keep close watch of their aging or relative. However, the introduction of medical alert systems helps change the narrative by providing an excellent way for families to monitor their aging or disabled relatives. At the same time, they go about their daily routines.

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This article provides all the information you should know about medical alerts and the best brands of medical alert systems that call family.


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