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Beach safety for kids

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Beach safety for kids keeps you and your family safe at the ocean or the lake

Beach safety for kids keeps you and your family safe at the ocean or the lake

Children and the beach are a classic mix for summertime fun. With the sun, sand and surf, you can’t help but have a great time. Children are at risk for some dangers while there, however, which means beach safety for kids should be a top priority. You can still enjoy yourself and keep your children safe at the same time by teaching them a few safety measures.


Although the sun is warm, feels good and gives that golden glow they are lacking all summer long, it can be super dangerous. Not only can the sun cause skin cancer, but it can give you severe burns that can make you sick and leave permanent damage.

To prevent getting badly burned, apply high SPF sunblock to your entire body about 30 minutes before you and the children go out into the sun. Apply at least a shot glass-full of sunscreen about every two hours or after getting out of the water, even if the product says it is waterproof.

Children should wear sunglasses, sunhats and clothing, such as rash guards, whenever possible. They should also sit in the shade often, to prevent becoming over-heated. Additionally, make sure the children are well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water.


Sea life

As intrigued as your kids may be about creatures from under the sea, they should leave them alone. Jellyfish are known to make appearances both in the water and out. Teach your children to stay away from them.

A jellyfish can pack an extremely painful punch; one that your child won’t likely soon forget. Even dead jellyfish can still give off a sting, therefore, your child should stay away from any jellyfish he sees, both dead and alive.

Additionally, crabs like to pinch with their claws, which means your child should stay away from any that he sees. Although shark attacks are rare, you child should still be aware of the possibility.

Teach your children not to swim if they are bleeding. They should also stay out of the water if it is murky, if fisherman are around and during twilight hours.


Even if your child is a skilled swimmer, she may still likely have difficulty swimming in the ocean. With the waves, current and riptide, swimming in the sea can be a dangerous sport. For this reason, they should only swim when there is a lifeguard on duty and when you are there to supervise.

If your child is a novice swimmer, or under the age of six, he should wear a coast guard approved life jacket when playing in the water to stay safe. The life jacket will help to keep your child afloat when she gets in the water, which comes in handy with the waves in the ocean which can pack an unexpected whollop.

However, you should never fully rely on a life jacket to keep your child safe. You should be there at all times to ensure that she is safe in the water.

Follow the Rules

When you get to the beach, you should set rules for the children that they need to follow. They should also pay attention to the lifeguards and the rules they apply, as well. Lastly, they should also be aware of the signs and flags lifeguards display. These signs keep them safe, which is the most important aspect of being on the beach. Talk about swimming in murky water, the hazards of underwater objects and how to react to riptides.

You should also consider setting up boundaries for your child. For instance, do not allow him to go too deep into the ocean, or that far away from you.

Although you want to have a good time with your family, you also want to prevent them from hurting themselves. Beach safety for kids is essential and should be taken seriously.


USA Today: Beach Safety for Kids

Travel: Beach Safety for Kids


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