Anne of Green Gables Fan Gifts -
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Anne of Green Gables Fan Gifts

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Anne Shirley and Gilbert BlytheContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

For over one hundred years, Anne of Green Gables and the rest of the works for Lucy Maud Montgomery has been among the most read and most treasured books for girls and young women. But it doesn’t stop there. All over the world, even grown women count these as some of their favorite books of all time. Maybe that’s why there are over two million webpages that talk about the spunky red-headed heroine.

If there’s an Anne fan on your gift list, a Green Gables-themed gift is sure to delight her. Here are ten Anne of Green Gables fan gifts sure to make any kindred spirit grin with delight.

10. Stationery and pretty letter writing accessories

stationery sampler

Anne loved writing (and receiving) letters. Anne’s fans are often fans of snail mail, too. And they know just any old notebook paper won’t do for a proper letter. Gift the Green Gables fan in your life the gift of pretty stationery that’s just made for a good, old-fashioned heart to heart letter.

And while you’re shopping, be sure to add some extra envelopes and pretty stickers, too. Once an Anne fan starts writing, there’s no telling how long a letter might get!

9. Roses

pink rose close up

“I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I’ve never been able to believe it. I don’t believe a rose WOULD be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.” — Anne Shirley

All through her life, Anne loved tending to her garden. And roses were among her favorite. The kindred spirit in your life probably loves the classical beauty and sweet scent of roses, too. Look for roses in her favorite color…and if she’s a true romantic at heart, perhaps in a variety that will climb delightfully over a trellis or garden cottage.

8. Tea cups and tea pots

rosebud tea set

“Oh, Marilla, can I use the rosebud spray tea set?” — Anne Shirley

Anne may not have been allowed to use the rosebud tea set when she invited Diana to tea for the first time, but that doesn’t mean her kindred spirits can’t enjoy a beautiful teapot and cup set. Look for something floral and delicate. A Brown Betty is serviceable, but it’s not Anne-ish enough for a gift choice.

7. Pretty quilts

quilt on bed

“Mrs. Rachel has given you one of her beloved knitted quilts of the the ‘tobacco stripe pattern and she says when I am married she’ll give me one, too.” — Anne Shirley

Anne loved simple but artistic quilts on her beds, so it’s only natural to consider a traditionally patterned quilt, counterpane, or coverlet as a present. Forget the modern splashes of color. And skip over the printed quilt-look comforters. For Anne and her followers, only the real thing will do.

6. The right pen

GREY AND SONS MountBlanc pen

“This won’t be a love-letter. I have a scratchy pen and I can’t write love-letters with a scratchy pen…or a sharp pen…or a stub pen. So you’ll only get that kind of letter from me when I have exactly the right kind of pen.” — Anne Shirley

Whether she’s writing love letters, holiday cards or a note to her pen pal, the right pen is always important to Green Gables dreamers. After all, they read over and over how the wrong pen made it impossible to write a real letter!

Look for a fountain pen for an old-fashioned feel. Or opt for the ease of a quality roller ball pen for writing without smears or drips.

5. Pearls

circlet of pearls

“Anne’s engagement ring was a circlet of pearls. She had refused to wear a diamond. “I’ve never really liked diamonds since I found out they weren’t the lovely purple I had dreamed. They will always suggest my old disappointment .” — Anne Shirley

A gift of pearls, especially a vintage circlet of pearls is sure to thrill any follower of Lucy Maud’s heroine. A circle pin, friendship ring or a pearl bracelet, accompanied by the quote from Anne’s House of Dreams.

4. Needlework

needlework detail

Needlework was a skill expected of every well-brought up woman in Lucy M. Montgomery’s time, so it’s not surprising that Anne talks about and works on needlework projects throughout the books. And needlework is just the kind of traditional craft to appeal to Anne’s modern day fans.

Look for period designs for a more authentic choice. Anne was apparently skilled in detail work (mentioned in House of Dreams), so perhaps a project that requires fine stitching or smocking for an advanced crafter.

3. Braided rugs

braided rug

“She looked lovingly at her old bed with the apple-leaf spread Mrs. Lynde had knitted and the spotless pillows trimmed with deep lace Mrs. Lynde had crocheted…at Marilla’s braided rugs on the floor…at the mirror that had reflected the face of the little orphan, with her unwritten child’s forehead, who had cried herself to sleep there that first night so long ago.” — Anne Blythe

Anne wanted only braided rugs for her floors in her House of Dreams. She loved the old fashioned look and feel, that reminded her of her beloved Green Gables. Treat the kindred spirits in your life to classic braided rugs and other time-honored home decor choices.

2. A pretty dress or skirt

floral skirt

“Oh, how pretty it was–a lovely soft brown gloria with all the gloss of silk; a skirt with dainty frills and shirrings; a waist elaborately pintucked in the most fashionable way, with a little ruffle of filmy lace at the neck.” — Anne Shirley

With few exceptions, LM Montgomery fans love pretty dresses and skirts, in fabrics that swirl and flow. Present your Anne fan with a beautiful, feminine silk skirt or a flirty dress just right for a tea party, get-together with an old friend or any other special day.

1. Lucy Maud Montgomery books

Anne of Green Gables original title page

Anne’s devotees never tire of reading books about her or the rest of LM Montgomery’s characters. Find out if the Anne fan is missing any of the books, then fill in the blanks. Some of the books are out of print, so finding a copy will be a much appreciated treat for any fan of her work.

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Now that you’ve checked out all of these ideas for Anne of Green Gables fan gifts, I need to tell you one more thing. That gift you’re shopping for? It can be for you, too. Give yourself a bit of the Prince Edward Island life LM Montgomery so vividly recreated in the pages of her books.


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