Free Catalog Music in Motion 2024 Mail Order Catalog Request
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Free Catalog Music in Motion 2024 Mail Order Catalog Request

Music in Motion is the Original Music Education and Gift Resource shop for music lovers of all ages with a sweet sounding selection of music education resources in stock from entertaining musical instruments to music teaching books, music themed gifts and more.

  • Music education resources – Fill your music room or classroom with a variety of musical teaching aids and resources from charts to DVDs, music teaching books and audio products for music theory, choral and sightsinging, music puzzles, colorbooks and more.
  • Music education books~ – Find music books and workbooks to teach young musicians all about playing music, singing music, music appreciation and music history with composer biographies, read along symphony books and CD sets, nursery rhymes and Boomwhacker lessons for an exciting way to discover concepts of beat, rhythm, melody and harmony!
  • Music education games – Let the music play on with fun games focused on musical education and creative learning. Find musically themed improv games, dance games, flash cards and more easy-to-play games and activities that help with listening, concentration, group interaction, pitch, and overall self-esteem!
  • Music education equipment – Find headphones, music stands, pitch pipes, choral folios, musical conducting batons, metronomes, music education books and other musical resources, equipment and supplies for music education classrooms and studios.
  • Music lover gifts – Music in Motion features a musical gift shop filled with the most unique music gifts any music lover will adore. Find gifts for musicians from musical themed key chains and mugs to plush dolls of Bach and Beethoven featuring built-in wind up music boxes that play your favorite classical music pieces!

Music in Motion strives to gift young children as well as adults with the gifts of music, while allowing them to discover their true music potential. Make sweet music with their resonant supply of music education resources, books, games and music themed gifts that always hit the right notes.

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