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Free Catalog Maredy Fundraising 2024 Mail Order Request

You’ll find dozens of unique fundraising ideas for your school, community group, scout troop, youth group or charity at Maredy.

They know that simple fundraising ideas work best. That’s why they keep their fundraising program ideas easy to start, and easy to operate. The sales kits are free. The shipping is free. And the prizes are free. That makes fund raising for your non-profit group hassle-free!

Whether you are looking for parish youth organization fundraising ideas, fundraising ideas for charities, or a unique school fundraiser, the quality products and exceptional customer service at Maredy make starting and operating any fundraiser almost fool-proof. Choose fine gourmet chocolates, affordable jewelry, ready to bake cookie dough, or one of their seasonal catalogs packed with gifts, wrapping paper, home décor, candles and more. Then let the pros at Maredy send you everything you need to get started on a successful campaign.

The people at Maredy know that profitable fundraisers for a youth group, school, scout troop or non-profit start with the products you sell. That’s why they’ve assembled a variety of unique fundraising ideas that take your organization beyond standard candy bar and popcorn sales. Beautiful, quality gifts, jewelry and other unique school fundraiser choices mean higher sales and more earnings for your group. It’s that simple.

Maredy provides effective, simple fundraising program ideas to over 20,000 groups each year, making them the largest product resource for non-profit fundraisers. Browse their website or free seasonal catalogs for new and exciting ideas for fundraising activities for your group or project.

For easy to implement, successful and unique school fundraising ideas, church fundraisers, and more, check out the exciting choices in the Maredy Fundraising Gift Catalog.

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